
发布 2021-04-19 11:32:28 阅读 1085

5b重点句型 (划线部分可替换)

module 1

1. it is in front of the block它在大楼的前面。

2. .i can’t see my umbrella. where is it? 我找不到我的伞了。它在哪儿?

3.--h**e you got any durians你有榴莲吗?

---yes, i h**e got some durians是的,我有些榴莲。

sorry, i h**en’t got any durians. 对不起,我没有榴莲。

4. i don’t like this bell. i want a new one. 我不喜欢这个铃。我想要一个新的。

5. let’s put a new, loud bell on your bicycle.


6. give me a hammer给我一把锤子。

7. do you want both hammers你两个锤子都想要吗?

8. you are welcome不客气。

9. draw a circle on the *****在纸上画一个圆。

10. excuse me打扰了!

11. be careful小心!

12. ben rides his bicycle to the park本骑着自行车去公园。

13. they are both asleep他们俩都睡着了。

14. it is hard and shiny它又硬又亮。.

15. this pencil case is yours这个文具盒是你的。

16. whose pencil case is this? it’s mine. 这是谁的文具盒?它是我的。

17. i taste with my tongue我用舌头品尝。

18. i can hear water我能听见水声。

i can smell food我能闻到食物。

19. the boys are shouting这些男孩正在叫喊。

20. they are on an island他们在一个岛上。

21. are they the same or different他们是相同的还是不同的?

module 2

1. i work in a zoo我在动物园工作。

2. -what time do you feed the elephants你什么时候喂大象呢?

---i feed them at half past eight in th4e morning. 我上午八点喂它们。

3. what do the elephants eat大象吃什么?

4. how much hey do they eat它们吃多少干草呢?

how much is the coat这件外套多少钱呢?

how many boos do you h**e你有多少书呢?

5. what time does mr tang h**e breakfast唐先生几点钟吃早饭?

6. walk along yanan road沿着延安路走。

7. cross the road穿过马路。

8. walk up the steps. =go up the steps上台阶。

9. walk down the steps. =go down the steps**阶。

10. the tigers are on the left老虎在左边。

11. the red parrot is at the top of the tree红色鹦鹉在树的顶部。

12. alice is sitting on an old box爱丽丝正坐在一个旧盒子上。

13. what’s in the box盒子里面有什么?

14. i h**en’t got the key我没有钥匙。

15. the girls give the key to grandma女孩们把钥匙给了奶奶。

16. which bicycle do you like你喜欢那辆自行车?

17. i like all the aeroplanes我喜欢所有的飞机。

18. i like both bicycles两辆自行车我都喜欢。

19. who has a bicycle谁有一辆自行车?

20. six girls h**e a bicycle六个女孩有自行车。

21. which is the f**ourite toy in your class?


22. he was here at a quarter to eleven他十点三刻的时候在这里。

module 3

1. whose bird is this这是谁的鸟?

2. is it yours是你的吗?

3. the bird is in the tree鸟在树上。

4. john and mary were afraid约翰和玛丽很害怕。(过去时)

5. the spaceship flew into the sky宇宙飞船飞向空中。(过去时)

6. i went to a restaurant for lunch我去一家饭店吃午饭。(过去时)

7. did you like the loud music你喜欢吵闹的那种**吗?(过去时)

8. where did the spaceship go宇宙飞船去哪了?(过去时)

9. -what time is it几点了?

---it is five past one现在是一点过五分。

it is twenty-five to two现在是差二十五两点。

10. he had some pigs on his farm他农场有一些猪。

11. he planted some rice他中了一些大米。

12. he built a new house他盖了一座新房子。

13. he put the rice in the house他把大米放到家里。

14. here’s the weather for friday这是周五的天气预报。

15. this morning it was hot and sunny今天早上天气热,阳光充足。

16. the temperature is thirty-five degrees温度是35度。

17. what’s the weather like天气怎么样?

18. what weather do you like你喜欢什么样的天气?

19. it’s cloudy多云。


h e you got any durians你有榴莲吗?sorry,i h en t got any durians对不起,我没有榴莲。be careful小心!they are both asleep他们俩都睡着了。do you want both hammers你两个锤子都想要吗?you ar...


module 1 unit 1 use your eyes any与some的用法区别 in与inside的区别与联系 表示位置时可互换,有时不能换如 in the sky,in the tree in the water is the boy s shadow long or short?的回答方...

