
发布 2021-04-19 11:26:28 阅读 3745

h**e you got any durians你有榴莲吗?

sorry, i h**en’t got any durians对不起,我没有榴莲。

be careful小心!

they are both asleep他们俩都睡着了。

do you want both hammers你两个锤子都想要吗?

you are welcome不客气。

tie some string round the ***** and the cup. 把一些线绕着纸和杯子系上。

this pencil case is yours这个文具盒是你的。

whose pencil case is this? it’s mine. 这是谁的文具盒?它是我的。

i taste with my tongue我用舌头品尝。

are they the same or different他们是相同的还是不同的?

walk along yanan road沿着延安路走。

walk up the steps. =go up the steps. 上台阶。

walk down the steps. =go down the steps. **阶。

turn left/ right向左/右转。

cross the road穿过马路。

the girls give the key to grandma. =the girls give grandma the key.

what’s in the box盒子里面有什么?

there are some toys有一些玩具。

who has a computer谁有电脑?

six girls h**e a bicycle六个女孩有自行车。

which is the f**ourite toy in your class?在你的班级里哪个是大家都喜欢的玩具?

what’s different有什么不同?

how can you get there你怎么到那里?

tom would like to post a letter after work. tom想下班后邮信。

did you like the loud music你喜欢吵闹的那种**吗?(过去时)

where did the spaceship go宇宙飞船去哪了?(过去时)

it is five past one现在是一点过五分。

it is twenty-five to two现在是差二十五两点。

here’s the weather for friday这是周五的天气预报。

this morning it was hot and sunny今天早上天气热,阳光充足。

the temperature is thirty-five degrees. 温度是35度。

what’s the weather like天气怎么样?

what weather do you like你喜欢什么样的天气?


5b重点句型 划线部分可替换 module 1 1.it is in front of the block它在大楼的前面。2.i can t see my umbrella.where is it?我找不到我的伞了。它在哪儿?3.h e you got any durians你有榴莲吗?yes,i ...


module 1 unit 1 use your eyes any与some的用法区别 in与inside的区别与联系 表示位置时可互换,有时不能换如 in the sky,in the tree in the water is the boy s shadow long or short?的回答方...

