
发布 2021-04-19 11:23:28 阅读 8368

1 now you can connect to the internet!现在你可以上网了!

2 let’s turn on the computer.


3 .the computer makes a noise.


4 open your e-mail program.打开你的电子邮件程序。

5 click on that .

点击它。6 this is your e-mail“menu”.这是你的电子邮箱“菜单”。

7 when you h**e finished reading a message ,click on“close”.当你看完信息后,点击“关闭”。

8 the box with the message will close—

you won’t see it anymore !


9 it’s always nice to hear from wu hong !


10 before the printing press, books were written by hand.印刷机出现之前,书是手写的。

11 information began to tr**el much faster and much faster.信息开始传播的更快更远。

12 if you forget something , you could look it up .如果你忘了什么,你可以查一下。

13 here’s a lesson you won’t want to miss!这是你不愿耽误的一课。

14 distance does not matter .


15 i’m sorry , but he is not here right now.不好意思,他现在不在家。

16 please wait a moment .请等一等。

17 i need to get a pen and ***** .我需要笔和纸。

18 they also try to help their mother all day , so their mother can rest .他们还一整天努力帮他们的妈妈,好让他们的妈妈休息。

19 in england in the 1600s, people celebrated“mothering sunday”.早在17世纪的英国,人们就庆祝。

母亲节“。20 since his wife had died young , he alone had taken care of his five children .自从他妻子早早去世以来,他一直一个人照顾他的五个孩子。

21 li ming said that you would be happy if you heard from me .李明说,如果你收到我的信,你会很高兴的。

22 i feel like i’m connected to everybody in the world .我觉得好像和世界上每个人都联系在一起了。

23 i hope it won’t be long till i hear from you.我希望不久能收到你的来信。

24 can i take a message for you ?


25 wang mei waits for her.



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