
发布 2021-04-17 21:03:28 阅读 5432



part 1 listening (听力部分)30%

. listen and choose(听一听,选出听到的内容,将字母代号写在答题纸上) 10%

) 1. abc. /

) 2. a. /dbc. /

) 3. a. /dbc. /

) 4. a. whoseb. who’sc. who

) 5. a. some cinemasb. many cinemasc. a lot of cinemas

) 6. a. 8: 15b. 8:45c. 7:45

) 7. a. listen to the wind.

it blows gently. b. listen to the wind.

it blows strongly.

c. listen to the wind. it blows quickly.

) 8. a. it was an egg two weeks ago. now it is a silkworm.

b. it was a silkworm three weeks ago. now it is a cocoon.

c. it was a cocoon two weeks ago. now it is a moth.

) 9. a. sally’s grandfather gives her a blue motorbike.

b. jim’s grandfather gives him a black motorbike.

c. my grandfather gives me a brown motorbike.

) 10. a. shall we go to see a flower show tomorrow afternoon?

b. shall we go to see a film tomorrow afternoon?

c. shall we go and see a film tomorrow afternoon?

. listen and choose(听问句,选答句;听答句,选问句,将字母代号写在答题纸上)5%

) 1. a. she plays chinese chessb. she played chinese chess.

c. she’s playing chinese chess.( 2.

a. they live in a small hole in the wall. b.

they eat all day and all night.

c. they never do any exercise.

) 3. a. i like ****** teab. yes, i like ****** tea.

c. no, i like ****** tea.

) 4. a. what is their f**ourite meatb. what are their f**ourite drinks?

c. what are their f**ourite fruits?

) 5. a. how do you go to century park? b. why do you go to century park?

c. how often do you go to century park?

. listen and choose(听小对话和问题,选出正确的答案,将字母代号写在答题纸上)5%

) 1. a. twelveb. thirteenc. twenty-five.

) 2. a. musicb. chinesec. maths.

) 3. a. in the deskb. on the deskc. on the bookshelf.

) 4. a. aliceb. dadc. mum.

) 5. a. rice and beansb. noodles and fish. c. bread and milk.

. listen and fill(听一听填入所缺的单词完成短文,每线一词,将答案写在答题纸上)5%

a butterfly is an interesting insect. do you know how it

first, it was an egg. it was small and white. next, it was a greenit had many legs and theyvery short.

it liked eating le**es. then, it was a brown cocoon. it was hard and ugly.

now it becomes a beautiful butterfly. itmany colours. and it flies highwhat a wonderful natural world!

. listen and complete(听一听,完成下列**,将答案写在答题纸上)5%

part 2 vocabulary and grammar(词汇与语法部分)45%

. copy the sentences(正确抄写句子,注意大小写和标点,将答案写在答题纸上)5%

which film do you want to see ben i want to see swan lake

. read and write(根据划线部分的单词填入合适的词,将答案写在答题纸上) 8%

1. in my house, you can see a living room, twoand a

2. breakfast is very important. we should eat some rice, some and a .

3. my city is a noisy place, with buses andand

4. englishandare my f**ourite subjects.

. read and fill in the blanks(用所给单词的适当形式填空,将答案写在答题纸上)9%

1. -are those __you) new gloves? -no, they aren’t. they arethey).

2. look, there is some __glue) on the desk. the students __make) a kite busily.

3. -it’s the __two) of august. shall we __visit) our grandparents, mum?

-- a good idea.

4. yesterday was sunday. tom had no school. hewatch) tv with his parents happily.

5. -how manyclass) do you h**e in the morning? -four.

6. -today is children’s day. let’s __dance) in the hall now. -that sounds fun.

. choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案,将字母代号写在答题纸上)12%

) 1. -whose classroom is thisit’sit’s clean.

a. hisb. herc. my

) 2. it was an egg ten days ago. now it’s a yellowit can swim.

a. chickb. ducklingc. puppy

) 3. -what’s that noisei can hear some

a. lorryb. lorriesc. a lorry

) 4the postmen __letters four times a weekyes.

a. does…sendb. do…sendc. are…sending

) 5. -i am thirsty. can i h**e someok, here you are.


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