七年级上 语法训练1 动词

发布 2022-08-19 16:48:28 阅读 2894







知识点:一、系动词be (am、is、are)的用法。

1. 肯定式和否定式。

肯定式i am, you are, he/she/it is, we/ you/ they are

否定式i am not, you are not, he/she/it is not, we/ you/ they are not

2. 疑问式和简单答语。

3. 缩略式。

肯定式:i'm, you're, he's/she’s/it’s, we're, you're, they're

否定式:i'm not, isn't, aren't

其他:that is—that’s, what is—what’s; who is—who’s; where is—where’s

my name is—my name’s


be 放句首例:is that a car?


—is it a pencil?

—yes, it is.

am和not 例:i am not lucy.


they are not students. =they’re not students. =they aren’t students.

4. 其他可做系动词的词。


keep, rest, remain, stay, lie, stand等。 1. please keep quiet, boys and girls.

2. this matter rests a mystery. 此事仍是一个谜。

2) 用来表示“看起来像”这一概念的系动词。如:seem, appear, look等。

1. he looks tired. 2. he seems very sad.

3) 感官系动词。如:sound, smell.

1. it sounds great. 听起来不错。

4) 表示主语“变成什么样”的系动词。如: become, turn out.

1. he become a doctor in 1998.

2. his plan turned out a success. 他的计划成功了。



一)及物动词例:he speaks english well.

二)不及物动词,例:i go to school by bus. listen to me, boys and girls.

1. 肯定式、否定式。

2. 疑问式和简单答语。

do i/you like swimming? —yes, you/i do. —no, you/i do not (don’t).

does he/she/it like swimming? —yes, he/she/it does. —no, he/she/it does not (doesn’t)



1 规则变化:单数第三人称形式的构成与名词复数的构成方法基本相同。

一般动词直接加s ,在清辅音后读/s/,在浊辅音或元音后读/z/, 在t后读/ts/,在d后读/dz/。例:help-helps,ride-rides;

以s、x、ch、sh或o结尾加es, 读/iz/。例:guess-guesses,go-goes;

以“辅音字母+y”结尾的词,y变成i加-es 读/z/。例:fly-flies;以“元音字母+y”结尾的词,直接加s,读/z/。例:play-plays。

2 不规则变化:h**e-has

附加:清辅音:[p][t][k][f][s] 浊辅音:[b][d][g][v][z]



1.excuse methis your eraser?

2.whatthosethey birds?

3.thishis ruler. wheremy ruler?

4.iin class threeyou in class three,too?

5these her english books?

6.thosetheir apples. wherehis apples?

7.sheeleven. how oldthat boy?

8.hemy friendyour friend a boy or a girl?

9those maps? no,theynot. theypictures.

10.theseyour bananas. here you


1.this __her father. these __her parents.

a. is, is b. is, are c. are, isd. are, are

2.is he your friend? yes

a. it is b. it isn’t c. he isd. he isn’t

3.is this your father? no

a. it is b. it isn’t c. he isd. he isn’t


a. this, book b. that,book c. these,books d. those,book

5.is guo peng your brother

a. yes,it is b. no,it isn’t c. yes, she is d. no,he isn’t

6.are those your parents? yes

a. they are b. they aren’t c. those are d. those aren’t

7.—is that your computer? —yes

a. it’sb. it’s no c. it isd. this is

8.is she your aunt? yes

a. she’s b. her isc. she isd. he is

9. are those your friends

a. yes, they’reb. no, they are

c. yes, they ared. yes, those are

10.--is __chinese car ? no, _isn’t.

a. that, this b. this, it c. it, this d. that, that

11.tom and i __good friends. he __twelve.

a. am, isb. is, are c. are, are d. are, is

12.here __two books.

a. isb. arec. with d. in

13.here __a letter and two books for you.

a. isb. arec. h**e d. has

14.“do you h**e a television?” no, i

a. h**eb. hasc. dod. don’t

15.she __sports. she only __them on tv.

七年级上培优训练 五 1

有理数与整式培优训练 五 提升篇 班级姓名。1.如图所示,三个圆圈分别表示负数集合,整数集合和正数集合,其中甲 乙 丙三个部分,这三个部分分别表示什么数?甲。乙 丙 正数集合整数集合负数集合。2.零和正数在一起构成的数是0和负数在一起构成的数是 3.平方等于9的数是 立方等于 8的数是 平方等于本身...

七年级英语语法 动词be的用法

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