七年级 上 语法知识测试

发布 2023-03-09 21:48:28 阅读 8610






example: ann/books→ ann’s books.


3)five minutes/walk3)child/play

5)his mother-in-law/glasses6)bruce and mary/rooms





1. do you know people’s republic of china(prc)?

a. a b. an c. the d. /

2moon goes around earth.

a. the, an b. the, the c. a, an d. the, a

3. he’d like to h**e third cake because second one is too small.

a. a, a b. the, the c. a, the d. the, a

4woman over there is teacher.

a. a, the b. the, a c. the, the d. ×a

5. —where is your school, bob? —on .

a. the fifth **enue b. fifth **enue c. fifth **enue d. fifth **enue

6. susan is good friend, and is fifteen years old.

a. he, he b. his, she c. her, it d. my, i

7. are several classmates of

a. your, hers b. they, me c. we, you d. they, she

8. ask to tell them something about .

a. he, her and me b. him, you and me c. them, me and you d. him, you and i

9. this egg is foris on the plate.

a. you, my b. her, your c. their, mine d. him, yours

10. love class very much.

a. they, they b. them, their c. they, their d. them, theirs


1. the second world war2. the first to speak

3. 在午夜12点4. 20:45

5. 在5月4日6.在2024年2月。

7. 传真021-97360788. 第304号房间。

9. 在19世纪50年代10. 在你50-59发之间。


1. i shall do this job2. the teacher is very pretty.

3. they think smart. 4. help to some candy, children.

5. mr. bruce is a teacher.


1. i don’t like any of your friends2. could you give me some time

3. you can tell me about it any day.

4. 并不是每个学生都喜欢英语。

5. 吉姆的两个姐姐都在中国。


1)are your brothers student2)sam and jim are good friend

a b c da b c d

3)he is a my pen pal4)these are apple tree

a b c da b c d

5)they are very kind animal.

a b c d


1. they often stay there two hours. 2. we usually h**e a meeting monday morning.

3. the clothes the bed are cathy. 4. my mother often says me, “work hard, my boy.”

5. how going out for a walk? 6. some animals can’t speak mouths.

7. can you come back two weeks? 8. the girl long hair is sally.

9. the parrot can speak a man. 10. time and tide waits no man.


1. what’s up?(同义句)what’syou?

2. kate is at home today. (用at school改为选择疑问句)

kate at homeat school?

3. are we all here?(同义句here?

4. we don’t h**e any milk. (同义句) wemilk.


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