
发布 2022-08-18 09:56:28 阅读 7961

unit 3 could you please tell me where the restrooms are?

the first period section a 1a–2d

teaching aims(教学目标)

1.学会用could you please礼貌地向他人询问信息。

2.能够理解并初步运用含有where, how和if引导的宾语从句。


4. language points(语言点)

要求掌握及熟练运用以下句式:can you please tell me where i can buy some stamps?

could you tell me how to get to center street?

could you please tell me where the restrooms are?

could you please tell me if there is a good museum?

do you know if there are any public restrooms around here?

5.要求掌握以下词汇: (1)动词: pardon

2)名词:restroom, stamp, bookstore, postcard, washroom, bathroom.


teaching steps(教学步骤)

1. warm-up and revision(课堂热身和复习)

1)watch the video and answer the question: what is the video about? 我们学过哪些问路指路的表达法?

excuse me, where is ..

excuse me, is there … near here ?

excuse me, could you tell me the way to …?

excuse me, could you tell me how to get to …?

go straight.

go along the street, then turn left / right.

turn left / right at the first turning / crossing.


2. presentation(呈现新知识)

look at the slide. who do you see?

hi, i’m harry potter . i amcoming to your city. but ’t’s my first time here.

could you please help me?

3. work on 1a.

t: where can harry potter do these things? please help him match each thing with a place.

4. pair work

excuse me, could you tell me where i can

yes , there is a __on __


完成学习目标 .

5. work on 1b.

listening and complete the conversations in the picture in 1a.


conversation 1

a: excuse me, could you tell me wherebuy some stamps?

b: yes. there is a post office on center street.

a: oh, can you tell meget to center street?

b: sure. you see that bank there?

a: hmm- …oh, yes.

b: just go past the bank and then turn right. the post office is on the rightthe library.

a: thanks a lot.

conversation 2

a: excuse me, do you know where __get a dictionary?

b: sure. there is a bookstore on main street.

a: oh, could you tell meget there?

b: yes. go along center street and then turn left on main street.

then you will see the bookstore on the other side of the street.

a: thanks! do you know __the bookstore __today?

b:i think it closes at 7:00 today.

7.跟读模仿下面的重点句型, 并注意体会他们的语言结构:

could you tell me where i can buy some stamps?

② could you tell me how to get to center street?

③ do you know where i can get a dictionary?

④ just go past the bank and then turn right. the post office is on the right, next to the library.

⑤ go along center street and then turn left on main street. then you will see the bookstore on the other side of the street.

8. 观察与思考:


1) 表示在某某街道,以及在某人的左边或是右边,我们要用介词 __

2) 录音中向别人委婉的问路时,用到了几种表示方法?首先用来表示委婉的请求,这也可以被称作主句,后面有一个由疑问词___或是___引导的句子,这也可以被称作宾语从句,从句一律用___语序,即请找出听力材料中带有宾语从句的句子。


could you tell me书店在那里)?

can you tell me我怎样能到那里)?


9. work on 1c.

make conversations using the information in 1a. then talk about your town / city with harry potter.

a: excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to the bookstore?

b: sure, just go along main street until you pass center street. the bookstore is on your right, beside the bank.

a: thanks. do you know when the bookstore closes today?

b: it closes at 7:00 today.

模块二。1. look at the picture on the screen.

get into pairs and practice giving directions with the map.

教学设计说明:用直观的**,更有利于学生功能句的训练 ,同样也是对后面听力的**。

2. work on 2a.

listen. you will hear some of the directions below. number the directions in the order you hear them.

___go to the third floor.

___turn left.

___go to the second floor.

___turn right.

___the supermarket is between the flower store and the bookstore.

___go past the bookstore.

3. 模仿秀,注意语音语调。

4. work on 2c.

pair work.

a: could you tell me where i can buy some ..

b: yes, there’s a …

完成学习目标 .

5. work in groups

讨论:告诉harry potter从你所在学校到最近的超市,有几种行走路线?2-4位同学一组,进行讨论,做出比较。看看谁的方法最方便,最快捷。

6. 小结。

7. homework



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unit3 could you please tell me where the restrooms are?part one section a 1a 2d 一 学习目标 1.掌握新单词。2.学习如何礼貌的向别人问路和了解信息。二 教学重难点。1.用英语来表述宾语从句。2.听力练习。3.口头练习重...