
发布 2022-08-16 09:20:28 阅读 7302






a) 根据句意和**提示填写一个适当的英语单词。

1. i h**e four

2. this is my sister’s

3. her uncle is an english

4. —are these

—yes, they are.

5. someare in the classroom.

b) 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. —is that your ruler, jack? —no, it isn’t. it isher).

2. excusei). is this your pen?

3he) name is jim white.

4. —is this your pencil? —yes, it is. it’si) pencil.

5. here is a set ofkey).

6. this black pen is good. is ityour)?

c) 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。

1be ) these your pencils, mary?

2. boblose) his watch this morning.

3. how do youspell) it?

4. i can’tfind ) my jacket.

5. thisnot be ) my school card.

6. pleasecall) me at 369-5431.


) 1. this iseraser and that is a pencil.

a. theb. ac. an

) 2. —are these his notebooks? —noaren’t.

a. theyb. thesec. those

) 3. i can’t see my id card. i must __it.

a. sayb. findc. thank

) 4. let's call mary. it'sring.

a. youb. herc. his

) 5. —is this her telephone number? —no. it is __

a. myb. mec. mine

) 6. —is this her pen

a. no. it's my penb. no, it isn't a pen. c. yes. it's my pen

) 7. —hello, marynice to meet you, too.

a. how are youb. how do you do? c. nice to meet you.

) 8. —thank you for your help, frank

a. i am fine, thanks b. you’re welcome c. yes, it is

) 9is this your bag?

you areb. excuse mec. thank you.

) 10. —is this your ruler?—yes, it is

a. ok. b. all right. c. thank you.


1. 我很好。你的父母怎么样?

i am fineyour parents?

2. 我有一台电脑游戏机。

i h**e a

3. 请向你的朋友寻求帮助。

pleaseyour friendshelp.

4. 那些英语书在学校图书馆里。

those english books are in the

5. 请按照456-4321这个号码给我打**。



) 1. is this your rulera. mine is yellow.

) 2. what are thoseb. no. they are his.

) 3. how do you spell itc. n-u-m-b-e-r.

) 4. are these your notebooksd. yes. it’s mine.

) 5. my jacket is black. what about yours? e. they are my bags.



a: is this your ruler?

b: 1 i think it's her ruler.

a: emma, is this your ruler?

c: 2a: 3

c: thank you.

b: what's this in english?

a: it's a dictionary.

b: 4 a: no, it's mary's.

b: 5 a: yes. d-i-c-t-i-o-n-a-r-y.


备课人 乌云塔娜其力木格刘苏日娜包淑兰韩淑敏。备课时间 2011.9.20.unit 3 this is my sister.第 1课时section a 1a 2d 学习目标 1.掌握本节课的13个单词。2 初步介绍一下复数的概念。3.学会运用介绍人的句型 this that is.以及these...


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