
发布 2023-02-28 09:33:28 阅读 4095



5.感谢6.帮助7.棒球8. 手表。










4.thank you for helping me(改为同义句)

5.please call mary. her telephone number is 328-6159.(合并为一句)


1.i found a set ofkey) this morning.

2.he has two nice (watch).

3.i lost my keys this morning. i mustfind) them.

4.thank you forhelp) me.

5.the black watch isjohn).


1.—what's this in english

a.it is sharpener b.it's a pen c.yes, it's a pencil d.no, it's a pen

2.this is an __the color is white.

a.book b.pencil c.ufo d.eraser

3.—is that your quiltit's her quilt.

a.yes, it is b.yes, that is c.no, it isn't d.no, that isn't

4.this is jane's telephone can __her.

a.call b.meet c.thank d.spell

5.this is a __his ruler and pens are in it.

a.watch b.ring c.baseball d.pencil case

6.is this your baseball __the lost and found box?

a.at b.of c.in d.to

7.—how do you spell your name

a.my name is bill b.i'm bill c.bill d.b-i-l-l

8.this is __pencil and that is __eraser.

a.a;a b.an;an c.a;an d.an;a

9.please __mr. brown __495-3539.

a.call;to b.telephone;to c.call;at d.telephone;for

10.—_do you know his namei don't know.

a.sorry;excuse me b.hello;yes c.excuse me;sorry d.hi;er


hello! my name 1 mike black. this is my schoolbag.

2 this 3 english? it’s 4 english dictionary. 5 do you spell”dic-tionary”?

that a ruler? 6 it’s a is my pen-cil box. 7 keys is in my 在**)is my school id card?

i can’t find 8 it this must 9 如果)you find it,call me 10

)1.a.is b.are c.am d.be

)2.a.its b.it c.it’s d.they’re

)3.a.to b.in c.of d.for

)4.ab.the c.a d.an

)5.a.what b.howc.who d.when

)6.a.no,it isn’t b.yes,it is c.no,they aren’t d.yes,they are

)7.a.a set b.a set for c.a set of d.a sets of

)8.a.found b.lost c.saw d.spoke

)9.a.finding b.found c.to find d.find

)10.a.in b.of c.at d.for


this is a photo of mr black’s family. the man with glasses(眼镜)is mr black, the father. the woman is the mother.

they h**e a son and a daughter. the son is behind(在……后面)mr black. his name is jack.

he’s 14. kate is jack’s sister. she is 12.

jack and kate are in the same (相同的)school, but they are in different(不同的)grades(年级). jack is in grade three and kate’s in grade one. they are good students.


)1.mr and mrs black h**e

a.a son and a daughter b.jack and kate’s sister

c.three children(孩子) d.a family of five

)2.the woman is mother.

a.kate’s b.jack’s

c.kate’s and jack’s d.kate and jack’s

)3.jack and kate are in the same .

a.class b.grade c.school d.year

)4.black is the name.

a.man’s b.woman’s c.boy’s d.family

)5.jack and kate are .

a.good children b.good students

c.in different schools d.in the same grade




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