
发布 2022-08-02 14:26:28 阅读 4282





. 听力测试(共三节,20小题,满分25分)

第一节:听对话或描述,选图画。 下面有三段对话和两段描述,听完以后,从a、b、c三幅图画中选出正确的一幅。每段对话或描述听一遍。(每小题1分,共5分)

1. abc.

2. abc.

a. b. c.

a. b. c.

第二节:听对话,选答案。 听下面4段对话,并根据所提的问题,从a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。(共10小题,每题1分,计10分)


6. who will give them a talk?

a. a famous teacher. b. a famous writer. c. a famous inventor.

7. where will they listen to the talk?

a. in the 1st meeting hall. b.

in the 2nd meeting hall. c. in the 3rd meeting hall.


8. why won’t the man teach kids how to draw pictures?

a. because he isn’t good at drawing.

b. because he doesn’t like kids.

c. because he has no time.

9. what kind of volunteer job will the man do?

a. he hasn’t decided yet.

b. chat with the children in hospital.

c. chat with the people in an old people’s home.


10. where did the boy probably le**e his backpack?

a. in the classroomb. at the gymc. at the dining hall.

11. what’s the time now?

a. 5:30b.6:30c. 6:40.

12. what does mom advise the boy to do?

a. to get his backpack back.

b. to give his teacher a call.

c. to do his homework later.


13. what was ann’s hobby when she was a child?

a. dancingb. readingc. singing.

14. how often did she take dancing lessons?

a. once a week. b. twice a weekc. twice a month.

15. what did ann do in some competitions?

a. she used to cry. b. she g**e them up. c. she won some awards.

第三节:听短文,选答案。 听下面一段短文,并根据短文内容选出最佳答案。短文读两遍。(共5小题,每题2分,计10分)

16. when did this happen?

a. one afternoon. b. one nightc. one morning.

17. how many persons were there in the room when someone was

knocking at the door?

a. one personb. two personsc. three persons.

18. what did the young man wear?

a. a white shirtb. a pair of glasses. c. long trousers.

19. who was the young man?

a. he was a friend of the writer’s.

b. he was a friend of the writer’s brother’s.

c. he was a strange man to them.

20. what was probably the end of the story?

a. the young man was taken away by the police.

b. the young man became their friend.

c. the young man ran away.


. 单项选择(共15小题,每题1分,满分15分)


21. mr. brown has made a __of three books for us to read during the school holiday.

a. mapb. rulec. listd. menu

22. —how dangerous!

yeah. the bus___hit the car just now.

a. clearlyb. normally c. nearly d. mostly

23.—whose volleyball is this?

it must belong to

a. bobb. minec. shed. carla’s

24. —can we pick some oranges to eat?

can’t you see that they are green? they must be___

a. sweetb. saltyc. hotd. sour

25. —why do many people buy things online on the 11th of november every year?

because there are many sales. the prices are___

a. much cheaper b. much lower c. more expensive d. much higher

26. —how nice the fish___

really? i am sure you’ll like it better if you try some.

a. smellsb. feelsc. tastesd. sounds

27.—sorry, sir. but is this umbrella yours?

oh, sorry. i just took it___mine is under the seat.

a. for yourself b. by mistake c. by accident d. at last

28. —the 20th world cup___in brazil, right?

yes. it___this summer.

a. held; took placeb. was held; was taken place

c. held; was taken placed. was held; took place

29. —grandpa said transformer 4 was

i am not surprised. it’s not a movie for the old.

a. wonderful b. excitingc. awfuld. interesting

30. everyoneto h**e at least eight___sleep at night.

a. needs, hour’s b. need, hours’ c. needed, hour’s d. needs, hours’

31. —do you need a helping hand with the job?

i canit. thanks anyway.


2015 2016学年度第二学期阶段性练习 二 九年级英语试题。第i卷 选择题共55分 一 听力选择 共15小题,计15分 一 请听录音中五个句子。每个句子后有都有一个小题,从下面所给的a b c三幅 中,选出与句子内容相符的 每个句子仅读一遍 1.abc.2.a.bc.3.abc.4.abc.5....


一 选择题。1 家庭电路中,下列估测符合事实的是 a 彩色电视机的正常工作电流为0.1a b 电子手表的工作电压为220v c 电饭煲的电功率为8kwd 窗式空调机正常工作电流约为6a 2 下列说法中不正确的是 a 电风扇 洗衣机的主要部件都是电动机 b 电能表是用来测量用电器消耗电能多少的仪表。c...


2015 2016学年度上学期九年级期末模拟考试。语文试卷 一 积累与运用 共26分 1 下列加点的字注音完全正确的一项是 2分。a 狡黠 ji o xi 瞰望 k n 诘难 ji n n 咬文嚼字 ji o b 蓬蒿 p ng h o 胚芽 p i 恣睢 z su吹毛求疵 z c 荇藻 x ng ...