
发布 2022-08-08 19:00:28 阅读 9406






1. abc.

2. a. bc.

3. abc.

4. abc.

5. abc.


6. what does the woman want?

a. some fishb. some meatc. some vegetables.

7. what did the woman think of the film?

a. interestingb. movingc. boring.

8. when is li lei’s birthday?

a. june 18thb. june 19thc. june 20.

9. where are they probably talking?

a. in the classroomb. on the streetc. in the park.

10. what is lisa doing now?

a. reading a bookb. touching the picture. c. drawing a picture.



11. how long has joy been away?

a. four or five daysb. four or five weeksc. four or five months.

12. how many times has the man been there?

a. many timesb. several timesc. only once.


13. what is jack doing for vacation?

a. visiting the great wall. b. doing chores at home. c. going bike riding.

14. why does lucy h**e to stay at home for a few days?

a. because her parents both work.

b. because her parents h**e no money.

c. because she is tired.

15. who is lucy going with?

a. her friendsb. her cousinsc. her parents.





16. —h**e you seen the film where are we going, dad?

—yes. it’s __interesting film.

a. ab. anc. thed. 不填。

17. —his english is very good. can you tell me who taught him?

—nobody. he taught

a. himb. englishc. himselfd. alone

18. li na is one oftennis players in the world.

a. most famousb. the most famous c. more famous d. famous

19. —claudia, are you going to mike’ s birthday party on sunday?

if ii will go.

a. am invitedb. invitedc. was inviting d. was invited

20. the womanbe our english teacher. she has gone to canada.

a. can’tb. needn’tc. mustn’td. won’t

21. the boy is sleeping. pleasethe radio.

a. turn upb. turn offc. turn ond. take off

22. —are you sure you can do well in today’s test, lily?

i h**e got everything ready.

a. it’s hard to say b. i’m afraid not c. i think sod. with pleasure

23. i don’t know

a. where she comes from b. how old is she

c. when was she bornd. when will she go



2015 2016学年度上学期九年级期末模拟考试。英语试卷。注意事项 1.试卷共四个部分,七个大题。考试时间120分钟,满分120分。2.所有答案都必须写在答题卡上。只交答题卡。第一部分听力测试。听力测试 共三节,20小题,满分25分 第一节 听对话或描述,选图画。下面有三段对话和两段描述,听完以后...


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