九年级英语4 6单元

发布 2022-08-01 21:39:28 阅读 9829

unit 4 what would you do?













if i were you, i would take a small present.


-- i’m going to larry’s party. but i don’t know what to wear. -if i __you, i __wear a dress.

a. am, will b. were, will c. were, would d. am, would

i don’t see your sister at the meeting. if shei would see her.

a. come b. comesc. came d. would come

2. what if

what if 意思为同义词为和。

what if a ufoon your school playground one day?

a. land b. lands c. to landd. would land

___we don’t h**e money with us? a. what about b. what if c. no matter what d. if


3. that, one和it的用法。

i can’t find my hat, i don’t know where i putyour t-shirt is beautiful, i want to buy

the weather in beijing is warmer thanin harbin.

4. confident

don’t失去信心), i对你们有信心). 词性:__

she isthat we will win the game. 词性。

i hope you all can take the final exams词性:__

kate is fairly __to win the contest. a. careful b. nice c. confident d. friendly

are you confident __your future? a. of b. in c. to d. by

5. permission

permission是一个___名词。how could you do that未经许可). 如果老师准许的话i want to go home earlier, but i h**e to征得他的同意).

改错:don’t get into my office without permissions. under mr.

li’s permission, i’ll go to the concert tonight.

6. introduce

you needn’t __the girl to me. we’ve known each other for years. a.

introduce b. show c. explain d.


this kind of new technology (技术) will soon beto our factory.

a. explained b. introduced c. learned d. bring

7. annoy

go away. don’t __me too often. we were __at losing the document (文件).

it __me often to be asked to do too much homework. howi’ve left my wallet at home.

8. plenty of 一般用在肯定句中,前不加冠词a, 既修饰___又修饰___相当于。

don’t rush, there is __time left, boys and girls. a. lot of b, much of c.

plenty of d. many of

a __of students hurried home from school at that moment. a. number b.

plenty c. lot d. a and c


拓展:a great deal of / a large amount of + 不可数名词 a number of + 复数名词。

9. rather than

the sweater is comfortable __nice. a. instead b. than c. rather than d. not only

tomorrow i will stay at homego out with you. (同义句) =would rather do than do = prefer to do rather than do

10. cover

the book needs a newour schoolfive square miles.

he __his knees __his coat. the groundsnow after the he**y snow.

11. offer / provide


hesome movie tickets. =he __some movie tickets __me.

hesome movie tickets for me. =hemesome movie tickets.

could you __us some hot water? a. provide b. offer c. afford d. support

12. refuse

mary refuseddiscuss) the matter.



1. (2010.甘肃girls took part in the happy girl competition, but few of them succeeded.


unin4 1.有幽默感的 滑稽有趣的n.2.不说话的 沉默的 n 3.有用的,有帮助的 4时常 有时。5.得分 打分 6.采访 面试n.面试 访谈。亚洲的 亚洲人的 n.8.欧洲的 欧洲人的n 9.对付 应付。10.私人的 私密的 11.需要 要求。12讲话 发言v 13.影响。14.不常 很少。...


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