
发布 2022-07-31 13:33:28 阅读 9874

chapter 1 body language


1. 兼职工作part-time jobs 2. 旅行社tr**el agency

3. 在工作be at work4. 向上看、查找look up

5. 一位穿着考究的女士a well-dressed lady 6. 匆匆瞥了一眼glance at

7. 走向walk over to8. 热情地问候某人 greet sb cheerfully

9. 怎么了what's up10. 喜欢。而不喜欢prefer ..to

11.某人交流的方式 the way sb communicate 12. 有机会做某事 get a chance to do sth

13. 与。交谈speak to sb

14. 什么种类 what sort /kindof...

15. 脸部表情 expressions on your face

16.用手托着腮部 rest one's head on the hand


make a good impression on

18. 抬起来hold one's head up

19. 用眼神交流 make eye contact with 20. 决定做某事decide to do sth

21.对。微笑smile at

22. 毫不犹豫地 without hesitation

23. 提醒某人某事 remind sb of/about sth 24. 对。感到失望 be disappointed at

25. 非常在意/关心 take great care of 26. 坐直sit up

27. 与某人交流 communicate with sb 28. 相互one another/ each other

29. 以。为基础 be based on30. 免费free of charge

31. 代替instead of32. 首先first of all

33. 事实上 as a matter of fact/ in fact

34. 盯着某人看stare at

35. 上大学 go to college/ university

36. 毕业,放学回家le**e school

37.卧床 lie in bed38. 住院be in hospital

39. 看上去像look like = be like

40. 给某人举例 give sb an example

2. 掌握下列句子解释。

1. a well-dressed lady entered the room . a lady who dressed well came into the room.

2. the lady glanced at them both. =the lady had/ took a quick look at them both.

3. debbie greeted her cheerfully = debbie said hello to her happily.

4. i am 5 years senior to her. =i am 5years older than her.

5. what's up? =what's wrong? /what's the matter? /what has happened?

6. you don't look very happy. =you look/seem unhappy.

7. the customers always prefer debbie to me? =the customers always like debbie better than me.

8. what kind of...what sort of...

9. how can we contact you? =how can we get in touch with you?

10. simon decided to improve his body language.

simon made up his mind to make his body language better.

simon made a decision to make his body language better.

11. she agreed to go with us without hesitation.

she agreed to go with us at once /right now/ immediately.

12. he reminded us of the meeting tomorrow. =he helped us remember the meeting tomorrow.

didn't go to the park. instead she stayed at home.

daisy stayed at home instead of going to the park.

14. we are surprised to meet him on the street. =to our surprise, we met him on the street.

15. we went school and he didn't h**e breakfast. =we went to school without (h**ing) breakfast.

16. what subject do you like best? =what is your f**ourite subject?

17. how tall is your brotherwhat's your brother's height?

how old is your sisterwhat's your sister's age?/ what's the age of your sister?

how he**y are youwhat's your weight?

18. what does she look likewhat is she like?

19. i am looking forward to going to the countryside with my parents.

i am expecting to go to the countryside with my parents.

20. as a matter of fact, i was born in america. =in fact, i was born in america.

21. what does your sister do?

what's is your sister?/ what is your sister's job?

22. i'm going to work as a part-time waiter during the summer holidays.

i'm going to be a part-time waiter during the summer holidays.

chapter 2 care for your hair


1. 答应做某事promise to do sth

2. 使某人做某事make sb do sth

3. 感到非常幸福 feel on top of the world

4. 某物适合某人。

sth is right for sb/ sth suits sb

5. 免费的建议free advice

6 .哪一种 what sort of / what kind of

7. 脸部棱角the angels of the face

8. 取决于,依赖于depend on


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