
发布 2022-07-31 13:12:28 阅读 7958

九年级全一册 ——unit 4 知识要点复习。


1. 医学研究2. 把钱存入银行3. 捐给慈善机构。

4. 帮助某人放松5. 担心6. 迟到。

7. 一百万美元8. 如果……怎么办9. 公共的。

10. 没得到许可11.(变得)紧张的12. 一点也不。

13. 很多的14. 与……相处15. 而不是。

16 朋友圈子17. 让某人失望18. 对……感到恐惧。

19. 提出(建议等。


1. 如果你有一百万美元的话你将做什么? whatyou do __you __a million dollars?

2. 如果我是你,我会穿件衬衫和领带iyouwear a shirt and a tie.

3. 如果其他人都带了礼物怎么办everyone else brings a present?

4. 如果我是你,我会在睡前去多走走。

5. 如果我是你,我会和那些看起来友好的人交谈。

6. 你是什么样的人。

7. 社交活动一点也不困扰你don’tyou in the

8. 你喜欢和他人作伴you enjoy theof other people.

9.你宁愿和一两个人交谈而不是一群人。 you like talking to one or two peoplea group.

10. 你有个很小的好友圈子you h**e **ery good friends.

11. 但是她害怕在其他人前演讲。 but she’sin front of other people.



)1. if your father __the facts, he would be angry with me.

a. knows b. knowingc. knew d. would know

)2. if we were not busy at that time, we __to your birthday party.

a. would come b. will come c. are coming d. had come

)3. he might help you even though he __a lot of work to do.

a. hasb. hadc. would h**e d. has had

)4. if i __one million dollars, i would give it to the charity.

a. hadb. h**ec. h**ingd. will h**e

)5. i do wish that i __there with you tomorrow.

a. would go b. will goc. had gone d. can go

)6. this doesn’t trouble him

a. at the most b. the slightest c. at the slightest d. in the slightest

)7. james isand he is hardly ever tired.

a. outgoing b. confidentc. creative d. energetic

)8. —all of my friends said they would comethey won’t come?

a. even ifb. what ifc. how ifd. why if

)9. he is very selfish. don’t makehim.

a. friend with b. friends atc. friends with d. friend at

)10. if i __you, i would go and see the doctor at once.

a. amb. wasc. wered. are

)11 the rich man g**e __dollars to medical research.

a. two thousands b. two thousand c. two thousand of d. two thousands of

)12. if you werefriendly to people, you would h**efriends.

a. much more; many moreb. much more; much more

c. many more; many mored. many more; much more

)13. the boy doesn’t want to __his parentsso he works harder than before.

a. make; happyb. let; downc. let; happyd. make; happily

)14. the baby wastired after crying for a while.

a. a bit ofb. a littlec. bitd. a few

)15. the teacher challenged his studentsa new game that could play indoors.

a. invented b. to inventc. inventd. inventing


1. 如果我是你的话,就不会帮他做这件事。

if iyou, ihim with it.

2. 要是他能到这里的话,我们就可以得救了。

if hehere, all of uss**ed.

3. 如果她喜欢**的话,我们就是**俱乐部的会员了。

if shemusic, wethe music club.

4. 如果我和他交朋友,我就会作自我介绍的。

if ifriends with him, imyself to him.

5. 如果有人问我这个问题,我会不回答。


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