
发布 2022-07-31 01:23:28 阅读 3583

unit 1 how do you study for a test?

section a(1a-4) 学,练案。

本课时学习目的: 如何谈论学习方法。

一. 应该掌握的短语:






二. 句型:

口语交际句型:1.--你为了考试怎样学习? -我通过听磁带。

2.--你通过大声阅读学习英语吗? -是的。

3.--你曾经小组学习过吗? -是的。

重点句型: 1.看英语电视怎样。







8. 她补充道和朋友练习对话根本没有帮助。


三. 当堂训练:

一) 用所给词的适当形式填空。

study english by __make) vocabulary lists .

2.–do you see that movie ?

-yeah. i get __excite) whenever i watch it

3do)morning exercises is good for health.

4. i don’t think h**ing conversations with friends ishelp)

5. he ended upspeak) in chinese.

6. they h**e funswim) in the water.

7. how about __read) books?

8you everstudy) with a group?

9. we went to hainan island on may day and had fun___go)surfing(冲浪).

10. listen ! the boy is reading english __loud).

11. my brother finds itfrustrate) that he can’t speak english well.

12. linda learns chinese by __watch)chinese movies.

13. i think the best waylearn)a language is by using it.

14. what about yourpronounce)?

15. h**e you eversee) such a beautiful bird?

16. i thinkread) more is the best way to learn english.

all gotabout thenews (excite).

二) 单选。

1do you study english __a test? -by ****** flashcards.

a. why , inb. how , forc. what ,on

english-language club? a. don’t join b. not joins c. not join

i ask you __questions? a. some b. any c. a little

___hard for us __understand the words. a. to, too b. too, to c. to, to

thinks __history about china is very important. a. studied b. studying c. studies

got __about something of story. a. exciting b. excited c. to excited

is the best way __our english. a. to improve b. improve c. improving

classmates h**e helped me __many new words and sentences a. laugh b. laughing c. to laugh

9. lin lin often practices english __chatting with her american friend. a:

in b: by c: with

knows __about this event . a: a lot of b: a lot c: lots of

you don`t know the answer, please ask partner __help . a: of b: for c: in

12do you improve your speaking skills ?

-i practice conversations with friendsa: why b: how c: when

you often watch them __basketball on the playground? a: play b: to play c: playing

四. 书面表达:

a: 格式:普通文章,写信,日记,便条,请假条,通知等。

b: 时态:单一时态,综合时态。

c: 人称:第几人称。

d: 内容:按题意要求写作,不能跑题,要有主次,详略得当,按思路分段。

e: 方法:开头委婉、自然、美, 语言流畅,句式不单一,连接词的使用。


写作训练: 介绍你通过哪些好的方法学习英语的。


写作预备句型:i study…by ving… but i think ving… is a good way too learn …

i’ve learned a lot that way it improves my listening/speaking skills.

i think it helps.


教学目标 1.talk about how to study 谈论怎样学习 2.i study by doing sth 通过怎样的途径来学习 教学重点 1.words and phrases2.important sentences3.by 动名词教学难点 掌握学好英语的方法。a 1 dictat...


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