
发布 2022-07-30 20:15:28 阅读 7361







) 1. what is their f**orite fruit?

) 5. where are they going on a trip?


)6. a. you’re welcome. b. thank you. c. it doesn’t matter.

)7. a. that’s all right .

b. c entainly. here you are .

c. no, i’m using it .

)8. a. that sounds good . b. really easy c. very well.

)9. a. congratulations! b. thanks. c. good idea

)10. a. not at all. i’ll do it right away. b. yes. i’d like to work outside.

c. no, i like my bike.


)11. a. the music club b. the art club . c. the swimming club .

)12. a. playing football . b. playing basketball c. playing baseball .

)13. a. he wants to be a cook b. he wants to be a policeman.

c. he wants to be a computer engineer.

)14. a. to watch tv . b. to do some reading c. to play computer games

)15. a. at home b. in the street c. on the telephone


) are they going to do ?

a. to play volleyball b. to h**e a swim c. to h**e a walk

)17. when are they going to meet ?

a. at 10:30 b. at 10:00 c. at 9:30


) long has the man been ill?

a. one day b. two days c. three days

) the man’s trouble?

a. he can’t fall asleep at night . doesn’t get enough exercise .

coughs much at night .

) did the doctor tell the man to do ?

a. to visit the doctor often . b. to go to bed at the same time .

c. to drink more tea at night .


)21. my watch doesn’t work. there is __wrong with it.

a. nothingb. anythingc. something

)22. -could you please tell metake the escalator to the second foor.

a. where is the drugstore b. where can i find the drugstore

c. where there is a drugstore d. how get to the drugstore

)23. he asked me __there is a mall near here and i said yes.

a. if b. that c. where d. when

)24. the pen is___she wrote __name with it___

a. hers/her/herselfb. hers/hers/her

c. her/hers/herselfd. her/herself/hers

)25. -the car ran __me quickly. -woe! how dangerous!

a. through b. past c. over d. across

)26. the people's republic of china __on october 1 ,1949.

a. was found b. was founded c. was founding d. founded

)27. .many of the stars can't be seen because they are too___

a. near to us b. far behind c. far awayd. close to the earth

)28. mrs. chang missed the last bus, so she decided to walk___

a. familyb. roomc. housed. home

)29. one morning he found __handbag. there was___s" on the corner of __handbag.

a. a; an; the b. a; a; the c. a; a; ad. the; an; the

)30. _do you write to your parents?

a. how long b. how much c. how often d. how far

)31. we should never __till tomorrow what we can do today.

on b. put off c. give up d. give away

)32. look, that bicycle looks the same as

a. me b. i c. my d. mine

)33.--gina ,would you like to go shopping with me ?

---i’d love toyou don’t want to go alone.

a. until b. before c. if d. after

)34. each of the guides here __to the sha lake ,in pingluo many times .

a. h**e gone b. h**e been c. who d. when

)35. the doctor told him __too much in the rivers.

a. eat b. to eat c. eats d. not to eat


who designed (设计) the first helicopter (直升飞机)? who __36__ of the most famous pictures in the world? who knew more about the human body than most __37_?

there is an answer 38_ all these questions --leonardo de vinci (达芬奇)。


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