
发布 2022-07-23 14:33:28 阅读 6719

八年级下unit 7: what’s the highest mountain in the world?

the fourth periodsection b 2a--2e

teaching aims(教学目标)


3.让学生了解大熊猫的现状及如何保护大熊猫language points(语言点)要求掌握以下词汇及词组:

1)词汇:bamboo, endangered, research, keeper, awake, excitement, illness, remaining, wild,government, artwork

2)词组:with excitement, run over, fall over, walk into, die from illness



teachingmethods(教学方法):task-basedlanguageteachingmethod,communicative approach, and **********-assisted teaching and learning methodteaching steps(教学步骤)

i. review(复习)

t: now, class, can you remember what we learned yesterday? let’s review our lesson on in the blanks.


ii. before reading: lead-in

t:i would like you to talk about pandas as much as you can. the words in the box can help you.


iii. reading(while reading)1.1streading: work on 2b and 2c

t: today, i would like to teach you a reading skill: scanning.

what does scanning mean? it meansmoving your eyes quickly down the page to find specific information.


2. 2ndreading

t: look at the blue parts in the article. can you guess their meanings?

use the context to help you

guess the meaning.教学设计说明:这一环节是本节课的重点也是难点。



t: read the article again and find the main idea for paragraphs1, 2 and 3 and the main idea forparagraph 4 and main idea for paragraph 5. think of a good title for the article.


on 2dt: now, class, can you do 2d? complete the sentences using words and phrases from the passage.


the exercise on ppt (translate the phrases into english.) h**e ss look on the screen and

translate the chinese phrases to english. walk around the class and offer help when necessary.教学设计说明:

这个环节还是对对阅读的材料进行复习巩固,对文段里的生词和短语继续检测,让学生掌握好生词和重点短语。 on 2e

t: as we know, pandas are in great danger, therefore we should protect them. in the passage, thereare some ways of protecting pandas.

as a student, what other ways do you think you can help tos**e the pandas?

6. homework

词汇:bamboo, endangered, research, keeper, awake, excitement, illness, remaining, wild,government, artwork

词组:with excitement, run over, fall over, walk into, die from illness


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