
发布 2022-07-22 18:30:28 阅读 5592


教学内容。本课时主要通过谈论话题"things around the house"学习询问“物品的位置”,使学生学会基本句型"where’s my backpack? it’s under the chair.”,进一步体会“where are …?

they are…复数的用法;学会运用方位介词"on/in/under/behind/next to"表达物品的位置。通过以上几个方面的学习,使学生学会运用听关键词、推测词意的学习策略,识别不同物品的位置;既能促使学生了解自己的家居环境,热爱自己的家,又能促使学生通过想象设计自己理想中的房间。

教学目标。1. aims of basic knowledge:

a. learn new words about furniture and school things.

b. learn preposition: in、on、under.

c.how to use the preposition properly and where questions.

2. aims of ability:

a. learn to describe the preposition of things.

b. learn to ask the position about yourself or others.

c. to describe and design room.

3. aim of emotion:

to train students' good habit about placing their own objects tidy.



1、 教法:采取“任务型”教学法。教师根据本节课内容,安排合适的任务,让学生在完成任务的过程中达到本节课所拟定的目标。

2、 学法:学案导学和任务型。让学生通过完成课前找资料、上课积极参与、讨论,课后进行巩固和迁移等任务,来达到拟定的目标。

教学过程。step1、 warming up

review some school things by asking questions.)

t: what's this?

t: what's this?

t: what's this?

t: is this your backpack?

t:i h**e a backpack, but i can't find it. pretend to look for my backpack here and there.

(in the desk./under the desk)where is my backpack?(write down the title on the blackboard.

)today, we'll learn unit 4 where's my backpack?(read after me.)


inshow the new words by pictures. then read the words aloud.)

show a picture of a bed.

t: what's this?

t: read after me. please ask and answer.“what's this? it's a bed”.

t: what's this?

t: read after me. dresser.

dresser. please ask and answer.“what's this?

it's a dresser”.

teach the other words bookcase、sofa、chair、drawer、plant in the same way.

the words“in、on、under”using the objects.

t: now. please look at the screen, what's this?

t: where is the cat in picture 1?

t: where is the cat in picture2?

t: where is the cat in picture3?

(用what's this句型过渡,引出新句型where is...在问答中与学生形成互动。让学生参与其中。)

t: where's my book?(put a book on the desk.)it's on the desk.

t: where's my pen?

t: where's my ruler? it's in the pencil case.

t: where's my eraser?

t: where's my backpack? it's under the table.

t: where's my pen and pencil?

t: where are the books?

t: where are the keys?

work)t: boys and girls, use the school things to practice the dialogue.(point to the blackboard just like this, you can change the words)with your partners.

then ask some pairs to act it out. this line, with your partners.

1a.t: first, let's look at the screen.

read the words together, two times. now, open your books, please. turn to p19 and do you 2 minutes.

let's check the answers.

a room and listen to the tape.

t: this is tommy's room. but he can't find his books、pencil case、baseball、computer game and his keys.

please help him. listen and number the things in the picture. let's check the answers.

step3、guessing game.

t: where's the clock?

t: yes, it's on the desk.

t: where are the plants?

t: yes, they're on the table.

t:…step5、 homework

design your room and describe it ,using the sentence patterns we learned today and try to use all the three prepositions: in, on and





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