英语 新目标 七年级语法

发布 2022-07-22 18:13:28 阅读 7465

名词。what’s noun?


专有名词。the olympic games 奥运会。

lining ,nike 品牌。

michelle ,obama 有特殊身份的人名。

yichang hk 地名。

缩略词。mtv , cctv , nba , usa , icbc , rpc(the peoples republie of china)



中秋the mid-qutumn festival

谚语。one boy is a boy,two boys half a boy,three boys no boy.三个和尚没水喝。




复数形式:单复一致:sheep , deer , chinese

其他:child –children,man-men,foot-feet-tooth-teeth





a piece of (advice)(luggage)(furniture) [advice 劝告;意见][ luggage行李]


a coon of (pepsipepsi 百事]

a bar of (chocolate)(sope) [bar code]条形码。

a bottle of (water)

a cup of (milk )(teabuddle]泡泡。


s:today’s new*****s jack and jill’s house

ten minute’s ride (an hour’s drive)

of:the top of the hill the cove of the novel the bottom of page


he is a friend of my. [one…of… 其中之一]

lisren to the words of my mother’s


一般情况单数名词在词尾加‘sboy’s book ; mary’s apple

复数一般在词尾加children’s ;day’s


of 所有格部分无生命名词与of构成所有格 the door of the house

双重所有格一个词组中同时存在‘s以及of这 this lovely child of

两种形式,表示强调your brother‘s




at 常用介词。

1. 表示“处于……状态”

michelle is at work.

at 8:00 are at tableat table 在吃饭][at the table 在桌旁]


be good at doing sth. [固定搭配]

dada is good at singing.

xiaofei is genius at mathbe genius at 有天赋的] [genius 天才;天赋的]

3.“在……上” (表地点、场合)

there is a knock at the door.

binjiang park is at the end of jie fang road. [at the end of 末尾;接触]

on 常用介词。

1.“在……之上” (多指某物的表面)

on the wall on the map


the building is on fireon fire 着火][fire 火] [fire work 烟花]

michelle want to beijing on trainingon training 参加培训][train 培训,训练]


she reads some books on(或about) american history.

michelle g**e a lesson on english.

4. “以……方式,通过…..

they talk on the phone

talk with you =chat with youchat 聊天]

we chat wih each other on qqeach other 相互]

in 常用介词。


in a year 一年之内。

halloween is coming in two weeks.

2. “在某地”

in china in the street in the middle

on ,at in 时间表达区别。

on→特指—on national day

on saturday

日期—on october 17th

at→点时间—at five to twelve

固定搭配—at noon \at dawndawn 黎明]

开始和结尾—at the beginning (of)

at the end of

in→段时间—in a week

早中晚—in the morning

年季月—in 2008\ in spring \in april

过去与未来—in the past\in the futurecoverded with 固定搭配]

on ,in,at 地点表达的区别。

in 指“内部”;on 指“在……上面”

at 所指范围广,不明确。

at 通常只小地方,in 多指大地方arrive at 到达]

before / after

before 在…之前。

wash your hands before dinner

after 在…后面。

please take the garbage after you le**e the house. [garbage 垃圾]

let’s sing songs after work.

after you (英)您请,您先走】


on 在…上面(有接触面的)

there is a teacher on the stagestage 讲台]


there is an air-conditioner on the left hand .

above 在…的上方。

the plane flies above the clouds.

over 在…的上方。

a few birds are flying over my head.

the sun is over our heads at noon.

under 在…下面(正下方)

the dog is under the table.

below 在…下方。

there are a lot of fishes below the water.

beneath 在…下面(有接触面)

into 进入 ·beside 旁边 ·out of 出去。

behind 后面 ·infront of 前面。

between ,among ,around

between 两者之间。

惯用词组 :beween …and…

michelle is standing between tim and ken.

among 三者或更多之中。

there is a naughty boy among the studentsnaughty 调皮的]

around 在…周围;在…四周。

the earth moves around the sun.

其他介词。with (+人名)

with 多指用工具,身体的部位或器官。

we see with our eyes.

chihuahua is a little dog sith big eyes.

by “使用的方法、手段”:乘**通工具。

we go there by bicycle.

in 使用某种语言。

please say it out in englishcouldn’t be better再好不过]

couldn't be worse 不能再糟糕了]


七年级英语下册复习内容摘要。可数名词的单数变复数规则 规则变化 绝大多数名词的复数形式是在名词词尾加s,例如。以辅音字母 y结尾的名词,先变y为i,再加es。例如 family families,dictionary dictionaries 在以s,sh,ch,x结尾的名词后加es。例如 clas...


新目标七年级上册期末复习要点 二 40.名词的复数 1 一般加s desk desks map maps bridge bridges 2 s,x,sh,ch结尾加sh,如 box boxes,watch watches,3 辅音字母 y,去y ies,元音字母 y,直接 s strawberry ...

英语学习 新目标七年级上册英语语法整理 必备

弃我去者,昨日之日不可留乱我心者,今日之日多烦忧。新目标七年级上册英语语法整理。一。词汇。单词。1.介词 in,on,under,behind,near,at,of 1 in表示 在 中 在 内 例如 in our class在我们班上in my bag在我的书包里in the desk在桌子里。i...