
发布 2022-07-22 11:01:28 阅读 3884




bb ee kk ll ii ff cc gg dd hh mm jj

二、look and write(看一看,写一写)(4分)

uck nt oke oy


)1. a .name b. morning c. afternoon

) 2. a. boy b. teacher c. girl

) 3. a. duck b. dog c. egg

) 4. a. meet b. america c. china

)5. a. student b. teacherc. friend

)6. a. elephant b. coffee c. ant


)1.--hello! i’m amy.

a. i’m from america b. goodbye c. hi! i’m sarah

) sorry

a. it’s ok. c. welcome.

) a girl.

a. am b. is c. are

)4. from america.

b. i’m c. im

) to school!

a. book b. back c. black

) a girl.

a. am b. is c. are

( )7.--where you from? -i’m from china.

a. am b. is c. are

)8. _is your name?--my name is sarah.

a. where b. whatc. who


1. i from am china .

2.are where from you ?

2. to back welcome school .

4. is this friend my .



a. i’m sorry. b. excuse me. c. bye-bye.


a. who are you? b. where are you from? c. where is your nose?


a. i’m a girl. b. hi!i’m amy. c. good morning.


a. happy new year! teacher’s day!c. happy women’s day!


a. come in, please. b. h**e some tea. c. here you are.

七、read and judge(读一读,相符的**画a, 不相符的画b。)(8分)

)1.-where are you from?

i am from america.

)2. miss li is a teacher.

)3. hi! i’m a boy.

)4. -nice to meet you .

-nice to meet you too.

八、read and choose (读一读,圈出正确答案的序号。)(8分)

a. how are you?

b. where are you from?

c. what’s your name?

a. bye!

2. b. that’s ok.

c. hi!

a. my name is mike.

3. b. i’m from canada.

c. i’m a boy.

a. i’m mike .i’m from america.

b. i’m mike .i’m from china.

mike. i’m from canada.


)1. how old are youa. i’m from america.

)2. good afternoonb. thank you.

)3. where are you fromc. i'm 10.

)4. happy women’s dayd. nice to meet you!

)5. this is my friend ,mike. e. good afternoon.


miss white: good afternoon.

jhonthis is my friend, chen jie

miss white

chen jie: nice to meet you, too

miss white:

chen jie : i’m from china.

miss white: welcome to our school.

chen jie


七 将下列单词分类。把序号写在横线上 24分 1 father dog 动物。食物。数字 文具 家庭成员 八 快来连一连吧。10分 lnmkjlionjeep mouse nest kangaroo九,快来给他们重新排排队吧。10分 abcde正确顺序为。十。写出单词的首字母。10分 iteuice...


pep3 unit1 welcome back to school 课型 单词教学页码 p5 一 教学内容 第一课时 pa let s learn let s chant 二 教学目标 1 能够听 说 认读本课时单词 uk,canada,usa,china 2 能够灵活运用句型 i m from t...


2018 2019学年度第二学期教案。备课教师 周林丽。2019年3月。unit 1 welcome back to school 第一课时。一 教学目标。1 能听会说 i m from 2 能理解课文内容 boys and girls we h e two newfriends today.3 能...