
发布 2022-07-22 10:58:28 阅读 9259







it’s my english book.

would you like a pie?


) 1. a. drink b. ball c. doll

) 2. a. stand b. sitc. please

) 3. a eat b. drink c. an

) 4. a. uncle b. door c. sister

) 5. a. milk b. cake c. ice cream

) 6. a. sleep b. shout c. me

) 7. a. run b. talk c. don’t

) 8. a. hot dog b. door c. window


) 1. 早上上课的时候,老师会对大家说:

a. good morning, class.

b. good afternoon, class.

) 2. 下午上课迟到了,你会对老师说:

a. come in, please.

b. i’m sorry.

) 3. 老师要求大家把书打开,会说:

a. open the door.

b. open the book.

) 4. 老师要求大家看黑板,会说:

a. look at the blackboard.

b. look at the book.

) 5. 你不知道这个是什么,你会问:

a. what’s that?

b. what’s this?

) 6. 看到刘涛在图书馆里吃东西,你会告诉他:

a. don’t shout in the library.

b. don’t sleep in the library.

c. don’t eat in the library.

) 7. 不知道是不是对方的书,你会问:

a. is this your book?

b. this is your book.

c. this is my book.

) 8. 想知道客人喜不喜欢吃糖,你会问:

a. would you like a sweet?

b. would you like a pie?

c. would you like a cake?


1. don’t shouta. 不要喝东西。

2. don’t eatb. 不要睡觉。

3. stand upc. 不要谈话。

4. come ind. 把门打开。

5. don’t drinke. 坐下。

6. sit downf. 在上课。

7. open the doorg. 不要吃东西。

8. in classh. 不要喊叫。

9. don’t sleepi. 起立。

10. don’t talkj. 进来。


ab ) 1. close the window, please. a. it’s black.

) 2. what’s thisb. no, thank you.

) 3. what colour is your jacket? c. it’s a rubber.

) 4. would you like a pied. ok.

) 5. don’t listen to the parrote. yes, mr. green.

) 6. come in, pleasef. how nice!

) 7. are you wang bingg. thank you.

) 8. look at my yellow skirth. no, i’m not.

) 9. good morning, miss lii. it’s an egg.

) 10. what’s thatj. good morning, helen.


1. no, thank you. don’t eat here.

2. don’t shout.

3. hello, wang bing.

4. would you like a cake?

5. i’m sorry.


1. -good __morning/afternoon), miss li.

---good afternoon, mike.

2. please __open/sit) the door.

3please/don’t) shout in the library.

4. would you like an __book/egg)?

5are/is) you bobby?

6. don’t __eat/close) in class.


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