
发布 2022-07-22 10:55:28 阅读 9399


学校: 班级姓名成绩。

listening part听力部分(10分)



)1. a. she’s my motherb. he’s my father.

)2. a. i’m from chinab. i’m chenjie.

)3. a. yes, she isb. no, he isn’t.

) thank youb. i’m nine.

) ten years fine.

writing part 笔试部分(90分)

一、 请用规范的手写体书写下列单词:(10 分)

1. big


)1. a. thin b. fat c. panda d. tall

)2. a. leg b. tail d. giraffe

)3. a. green b. good c. black d. bule

)4. a. small c. cat d. dog

)5. a. mother b. student d. grandfather


1.big pig hi six

3. cake apple fat4. egg elephant ear


) elephant __small eyes and big ears.

a. h**e b. has c .is

know. they’re

a. monkey b. the monkey c. monkeys

3. i __a rabbit. it’s cool.

a. has b. are c. h**e

___the giraffe. it’s so___

a. at; small b. at; tall c. in; tall ( 5 .the monkey___funny.

a. am b. is c. are

) are very___

a. small b. fat c. short

( )7. the elephant has a __nose.

a. short b. small c. long

) father is tall and

a. short b. long c. thin

( )9. _here, children!

a. come b. go c. let’s

)10. it’s big. it has a short tail. it’s black and white. it’s a __

a. bear b. panda c. cat

五、读一读, 选择正确的图画,把图画的序号填在括号内。(10分)

abc de

)1. this is a monkey. it has a long tail. it’s thin.

)2. look at the giraffe . it has long legs and a small head. it’s so tall.

( )3. this is a panda. it has big eyes and a short tail. it’s black and white.

)4. look at the elephant it has a big body and a long nose. it is so fat.

)5. i h**e a duck. it has a big mouth. it’s small.

六、 根据句意选择合适的单词,完成句子。(10分)

)1. _at the monkey.

)2. hi, ’m the bear. i’m __and fat.

) giraffe is so __

) monkey is fat. that monkey is __

( )at that pig. it’s __fat.

七。 连词成句。(6分)

1. are from where you

2. that who’s man

3. long has a it nose

4. from usa the i’m

5. at the elephant look

6. short it’s and fat

八、 根据栏中的问句,在栏中选出正确答语。(10分)

) are you froma. nice to see you, amy.

( )at the giraffeb. he is my father.

( )is that manc. it is so tall.

( )is my friend, amyd. no, she isn’t.

( )she your mothere. i am from china.


a: hello, boys and girls

b: 1a: let’s go to the zoo.

b: 2a: look at the giraffe.

b: 3a: look at the bear.

b: 4a: come here,children.5

b: it has a long nose.



1. the pig is thin .

2. the elephant has a long nose.

3. the monkey has a short tail.

4. look at the giraffe. it’s so tall.


七 将下列单词分类。把序号写在横线上 24分 1 father dog 动物。食物。数字 文具 家庭成员 八 快来连一连吧。10分 lnmkjlionjeep mouse nest kangaroo九,快来给他们重新排排队吧。10分 abcde正确顺序为。十。写出单词的首字母。10分 iteuice...


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