
发布 2020-11-26 14:18:28 阅读 3935

unit 1




apple dog student coke elephant girl


) i'm from china. b. i'm from canada. c. i'm from america.

) goodbye, mike! b. hello, i'm mike. c. a a a, say “ok”!

) this is a ball. b. this is a balloon. c. bounce the ball.

) this is a girl. b. this is a boy. c. this is a teacher.

) act like a cat. b. act like a duck. c. act like a dog.

五、 根据栏中的问句,在栏中选出正确答语。(8分)

) old are youa. thank you.

) birthdayb. one cake.

) many cakesc. i'm fine, thanks.

) are youd. i'm nine.


)1. 别人跟你说“i'm sorry.”你应该回答。

a. come in. b. oh, noc. it's ok.

)2. 你想说“我是从中国来的。”应该这么说。

a. i'm china. b. i'm from china. c. my name is china.

)3. 你想提醒对方当心,应该说。

a. look at me. b. watch outc. thank you.

)4. 你想知道对方是**人,你可以问。

a. how are you? b. what's your name? c. where are you from?

)5. 你想跟对方借东西来看一下,应该说。

a. may i h**e a look? b. h**e some chicken. c. can i h**e some chicken?

unit 2 my family

一、找出下列单词中不同类的一项,并将序号填在( )内。(10分)

)1. a. grandma b. grandpa c. ice-cream

)2. a. water b. hot dog c. hamburger

)3. a. dadb. teacher c. mom

)4. a. boyb. girlc. student

)5. a. andb. elephant c. squirrel



model: a b c a b c

1cf g

ɡ h 四、根据栏中的问句,在栏中选出正确答语。(10分)

)1. what's your namea. sure. here you are.

)2. where are you fromb. great!

)3. who's that manc. my name is tutu.

)4. may i h**e a lookd. i'm from china.

)5. let's watch tve. he's my grandpa.

五、看图,选择下面的句子,把对话补充完整,将序号填在( )内。(8分)

)1. a. i'm fourb. fourc. i'm fine, thank you.

)2. a. she's my mother. b. he's my father. c. he's my brother.

)3. a. nice to meet you. b. good morning. c. good afternoon.

)4. a. he's my father. b. she's my sister. c. he's my brother.

六、这是ann的家谱树,请帮她把相对应的人物名称的序号填在( )内。(12分)

a. brother b. sister c. father d. mother e. grandmother f. grandfather

unit 3

一、 按字母表顺序,写出大小写字母,从ee—nn.(8分)

eenn 二、 把相应的大小写字母连起来。(6分)


kite ice-cream egg girl kangaroo man


)1. how many crayons do you h**ea. nice to meet you.

)2. who's that girlb. ok!

)3. how many birds can you seec. i can see eleven.

)4. this is my new friend, amyd. i h**e ten.

)5. let's fly the kitee. she's my sister.

五、看图,根据图意选出正确的句子,将其字母编号填在( )内。(10分)

a. -who's that man? -he's my father.

b. i h**e thirteen books.

c. j j j, jump, jump, jump.

d. let's fly the kite.

e. -how many rulers do you h**e? -fifteen.


1. three + nine2ten = sixteen

3. twentyeighteen 4. four + thirteen


j k l m n

l n j k m


eleven twelve eighteen twenty fifteen


monkey cat kite nine


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