
发布 2022-07-16 11:12:28 阅读 9570


一、 语音测试:选出下列每组词中划线部分发音不相同的那一个词(5分)

)1、a、bird b、worker c、doctor d、sister

)2、a、near b、pear c、year d、dear

)3、a、food b、cook c、room d、school

)4、a、who b、where c、what d、when

)5、a、seat b、read c、bread d、meat

解析】:1、考察长短音[的辨识。a、[b:d] b、[w:k] c、[dkt] d、[sist]

2、考察字母组合ear发两种双元音[i] [的辨识。a、[ni] b、[p] c、[ji] d、[di]

3、考察字母组合oo两种发音[u:] u]的辨识。a、[fu:d] b、[kuk] c、[ru:m] d、[sku:l]

4、考察字母组合wh的两种发音[h][w]的辨识。a、[hu:] b、[w] c、[wt] d、[wen]

5、考察字母组合ea的两种发音[i:]与[e]的辨识。a、[si:t] b、[ri:d] c、[bred] d、[mi:t]



06年也同样考察了ear与ere两种发音[i] [的辨识(同第2题)、

06年也考察了字母组合oo两种发音[u:] u]的辨识(同第3题)、


二、 选出能替换划线部分的选项,保持句意不变。(5分)

)1、jack is a top learns every subject well.

a、bad b、best c、tall

)2、——thank you very much.——you are welcome!

a、no thank. b、it doesn’t matter. c、that’s all right

)3、is this pen broken?no,it’s ok.

a、right b、nice c、all right

)4、it is seven thirty now,let’s hurry to school.

a、 seven past thirty b、half past eight c、half past seven

)5、there are some shops near the bank.

a、a few b、anyc、a little

解析】:1、词义辨析。top有顶点、顶端、最高的、顶上的、头等的等多种含义,根据下文he learns every subject well(他每一门都学的很好)可推测jack是个优秀的好学生,而best student就是优秀生的意思,故此题选择b。


2、考察情景交际。英语中不客气的表达方式有:"you are welcome" "that is all right.

" that's ok’ “my pleasure”等,由此选择c。而no thank为中式英语,属于错误表达。it doesn’t matter.

意为没关系,在回答别人的道歉i’m sorry等时使用。

3、ok=all right


顺读法:“点+分” 即按照汉语习惯,先说点后说分。即原文:seven thirty, 7:30

逆读法:“分+past/to+点”即借助介词past 和to,先说分后说点。


30的另一种表达方式为half past seven故此选择c

5、some表示一些的意思,选项中any主要用于疑问句及否定句,该句为肯定句,故此排除,a few与a little表示一些时,a few 修饰可数名词复数,a little修饰不可数名词,句中修饰的shops为可数名词复数,因此该题应选择a.

三、 情景匹配,从下面方框中的答语中找出适合上述问题的答应。(5分)

)1、how do you usually come to school?

)2、what’s the weather like today?

)3、what day is it today?

)4、what’s the matter with you? (5、where is my englsh book?

四、 语法测试:选出最佳的答案,把编号写在方框内 (15分)

)1、this bag isn’t mine,it’s___i think.

a、mary b、mays c、mary’s


)2、__the girls often___to school on foot?

a、does---go b、do---go c、are---going

)3、there___much food on the table.


)4、how manyare there in the zoo?

a、sheep b、monkey c、fish

)5、jack likes music very much,he can play___piano very well


)6、what___youdo this sunday,nancy?

a、do---going to b、are---going to c、do---want

)7、--you h**e a beautiful voice. i love your songs.

a、sorry,you don’t b、thank you c、it’s ok

)8、which isan elephant or a shark?

a、bigb、biger c、bigger

)9、she had a stomachache___she ate something bad.

a、sob、because c、but

)10、the smile on the boy’s face showed that he was___


)11、what would you likesir?

a、drinkb、to drink c、drinking

)12、when i___5 years old,i came to this city.


)13、listen,many peopleover there.

a、singb、are singing c、is singing

)14、children’s day is in___


)15、miss jane is your englsh teacher,you must listen to___



hainan is an __1___in the south of is famous for the __2___sea and the beautiful summer,parents and __3__ went there on __4___in the hotel in stay__5__ two our holiday,we __6___lots of mum swam in the sea,my dad __7___the motorboat(摩托艇) with also___8___the coconut juice,and had different kinds of seafood,the island was wonderful __9___the people there were really enjoyed the holiday very island ahain next summer holiday.


六年级语文综合测试卷。注意事项 1 本试卷满分为100分。考试时间60分钟。2 考生务必将自己的准考证号 姓名 座位号 试室等分别写在试卷左侧远离密封线的边缘处,答题要远离密封线。一 积累与运用 共36分 1 按拼音写汉字。6分 ch n y u yxi ng h n ch u y ju n z n...

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