
发布 2022-07-13 15:34:28 阅读 4356


事实上学习英语的最好方法与人们学习其母语的方法相同,就是吸收。小孩在学母语时, 首先就是倾听,听父母的讲话,然后逐渐地摸索出一套表达规律,来表达自己的需要。而没有哪一位家长会给孩子一本语法书,然后让他们通过语法书来学习语言。


language learning

in fact, the best way to learn english and to learn their mother tongue the same way, is to absorb.

whenchildrenlearntheir mother tongue, the first isto listen,to listen toparents'speech,thengraduallyworked out a setexpression patternto expresstheir needs. and what a parent does not give the child a grammar book, and then let them learn the language through grammar books.

people ultimately need to know some basic rules of grammar, but the real effective language learning or want to immerse yourself in that language environment.

八大菜系。中国是一个幅员辽阔、资源丰富、历史悠久的多民族国家,每个民族都有其独特的丰富菜肴。 地域菜系在地理环境、气候、文化传统、民族风俗和其他因素的影响下经过悠久历史的发展已经成形。


eight big cuisines

china is a country with a vast territory, abundant resources, a long history of multi nationality country, every nation has its own unique rich cuisine. regional cuisine under the influence of geography, climate, cultural traditions, ethnic customs and other factors after a long history of development has been formed. the most influential, the most representative is lu, sichuan, guangdong, fujian, jiangsu, zhejiang, hunan, anhui cuisine, the eight known as the "eight cuisine ".

chinese "eight cuisine " in a variety of cooking methods to distinguish, each of which has its advantages.


组别 第三组。组员 马荣马晓兰。卜娜张艳红王莉申雁婷李燕燕。一 翻译下列句子,注意句中划线词语在各句中的意义及表达。1 我过几天回来。2 据说他们会支持这项计划。3 这是压垮骆驼的最后一根稻草。这是使他不堪忍受的最后一件事。4 天色渐暗。5 天色渐亮。6 我随便吃了点。7 舞者舞步轻盈优雅。8 她是...


第 次作业日期姓名 得分 一 给下列词语注音。废墟调遣履行凄凉。荒无人烟潸然泪下井然有序。生死攸关绘声绘色薄雾笼罩。二 查字典填空。负 字用音序查字法,应查音序 音节 负 在字典中的解释有 背 担任 遭受 享有 背弃 违背 败 输。请为下面词语中的 负 选择合适的解释。序号填空 负荆请罪 久负盛名 ...


三 案例题。梁某与好友强某深夜在酒吧喝酒。强某醉酒后,钱包从裤袋里掉到地上,梁某拾后见钱包里有5000元现金就将其隐匿。强某要梁某送其回家,梁某怕钱包之事被发现,托辞拒绝。强某在回家途中醉倒在地,被人发现时已经冻死。关于本案,请问 1 梁某占有财物的行为构成何种犯罪并说明理由。2 梁某对强某的死亡是...