
发布 2022-07-08 01:19:28 阅读 6587


1.the bad news he g**e us really使不安) all of us.

2.i h**e lost much weight,so all my clothes are松的).

3.she deliberately不理睬)my question and changed the subject.

4.we are all担忧)about his health.

5.life is made up of a系列) of you make a different choice,you will h**e a different way.

6.children should spend more time taking exercise在户外)and less time watching tv at home.

7.the baby was crying and the mother was trying her best to使平静) her down.

8.it was the happiest day in my整个的)life.

9.a man should rely upon his own力量).

10.the boy hid himself behind the窗帘)and looked out through the window.


1.make sure that you set up every word she says.

2.she is concerned with your safety.

3.what the little girl got through made us shocked.

4.he knocked the old man down with purpose.

5.the student sat face-to-face with his teacher.

6.he must work very hard in order that support his large family.

7.he was upset with my coming.

8.there was a time that this singer was popular with the young men.

9.it was in the station where i met li ming yesterday.

10.while was waiting,i was reading some magazines.



it was the first time that heabout his problem face to face.


he met his english teacher.


we shouldstate affairs.


i saw a traffic accident.


he stopped working


1.after a few days of fever,he began to恢复).

2.he打行李) up what he might need during his journey and left home.

3.his friend has遭受) from ill health for some years.

4.she packed all her things into a行李箱).

5.she定居)in beijing after her father's death.


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