
发布 2022-06-27 14:48:28 阅读 7856



subject: (课题) module 7 unit 1

pandas love bamboo.

analysis of teaching material: (教材分析)



analysis of student: (学生分析)

经过5 年的学习,学生们对英语的学习已有很大了解和基础。大部分学生已对英语学习产生浓厚兴趣,听说能力有很大提高。读写能力也有一定的基础。同时也有一定的语感和语音、语调的基础。

在六年级的学习中,将对学生的听说读写技能有了更进一步的提高。学生们要学着完成课文以外的听力练习,根据**独立写出完整的语句,阅读比较短小的语篇并回答问题。还要针对module 7模块的主题,依照示例或根据**进行一些简单的对话。

teaching type: (课型) new lesson

teaching contents: (教学内容)

1) describing amazing animal facts.

2) pandas eat twelve hours a day.

they love bamboos.

do snake love music?

3) new words.

cd—rom bamboo copy

二次备课。teaching keys and difficulties:: 教学重难点)

1) describing amazing animal facts.

2) understand the emphasis sentences in this text.

teaching aims: (教学目标)

一) knowledge aims: (知识目标)

1) to enable ss to understand and speak the patterns: “pandas eat twelve hours a day. they love bamboos.

do snake love music? ”make sure the students can use the structure freely and correctly.

2) to help students to finish a survey.

二)abilities aims: (技能目标)

1) to develop students’ abilities of listening and speaking.

2) to train the students’ ability of working in groups.

3) to foster students’ ability of communication.

三) emoting aims: (情感目标)

1) enable to students love the animals.

2) to help students establish good habits of study.

3) enable to students help each other.

teaching methods: (教学方法)

alm and task-based.

teaching aids: (教具)

pictures, radio and toy animals.

guiding of teaching: (教法指导)

在这节课中,我主要运用了听说法和“task--based”两种教学方法。以听说为主,创造多种模拟真实的教学活动,例如:singing, guessing game, finishing a survey and h**ing a competition.



guiding of learning: (学法指导)



学效果。teaching time: (课时) 3periods (120’)

procedure : 教学过程)

(一) warm up

1) sing a song

2) review food.

rice , noodles, chicken, hamburgers, fish, ice cream

二) review.

1) make a survey.

teacher shows a piece of ***** and asks to ss: what food do you like? do you like …?

if the ss say: yes, i do. “no, i don’t.

“find out who do the best.

2) t shows some pictures of food. students say the words and spell them.

三) explain

二次备课。step ⅰ new words.

1) write the new words on the bb.

cd—rom 电脑光盘 bamboo 竹子。

copy 模仿 child 孩子。

awake 醒的

2) teaches the words several times and explain the meaning of the words.

3) teaches the words and make sure the sound in correct.

4) ask the students to read the words and check their


5) students read the words together.

6) write down the words on ss ’ exercise books.

step ⅱ:practice

1) divide the class into 4 groups to read the new words and competition.

2) guess the meaning.

t speaks english. ss speak chinese.

3) call some good ss make some sentences by using the new words.

4) ask the ss to spell out the words one by one.

四) consolidation

1) call some students read the words and spell the words once again.

2) listen to the radio and check the pronunciation.


try to recite the new words.

bb design:


二次备课。procedure. (一) warming up and preview.

1) sing the song together. what’s your f**ourite…?

2) review the animals.

teacher shows some pictures of animals to students. the students guess. what’s this?

3) free talk between t and students about animals in the classroom.


t: what’s this?

ss: it’s a tiger .

t: do you like tiger?

ss: no, i don’t.

t: what’s your f**ourite animal?

ss: rabbit.

二) explain

step ⅰ:to present the patterns, “pandas love bamboo. they eat for twelve hours a day.”

1) t: my f**ourite animal is dogs. dogs love bones. then t asks

ss: what’s your f**ourite animal ? and what food do they love?

call 3—5 ss talk about their f**ourite animals.


一 名词解释。教学评价 是根据一定的教育目标,运用可行的科学手段,对教育现象极其效果进行价值判断,从而为教育决策提供教育依据,以改进教育服务的过程。形成性评价 是在某项教学活动过程中,为了能更好地达到教学目标的要求 取得更佳的效果而不断进行的评价,它能用来及时了解阶段教学结果和学生学习的进展情况 存...


有的人 教学内容 人教版六年级语文上册第五单元20课 设计理念 语文新课标指出,阅读诗歌 要大体把握诗意,想象诗歌描述的情境,体会诗人的情感 要通过诵读 体味作品的内容和情感 根据以上的理念和本组课文的特点,结合学生实际情况,我制定了如下教学目标 1 弄懂诗歌意思,体会作者的思想感情 2 在理解诗歌...


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