
发布 2022-05-16 05:09:28 阅读 1247




) a谁 b 谁的 c 他的。

) a错误的 b 开始 c 听。

) a学生 b教师 c 再见。

) a蓝球 b 球拍 c 棒球。

) a 脚趾 b 手指 c 胳膊。

) a语文 b数学 c 英语。

) a早餐 b 烤面包 c午餐。

) a 受伤 b 看看 c自行车。

) a方形 b 星形 c圆形。

) a 现在 b 明天 c再见。


) do you do?

a .i’m hungry. b. how do you do?

c. i’m fine.

( )s the __class?

math. i like math.

a. three third

) reading.

a. like b likes

) sit __beside ken.

c. in\

) s __some pancakes.

) you play baseball?


) do you like?

i like___

b. cook c. cook

) great! let __try.

b. i ) breakfast?

a. for b. to

) are you doing?

i’m drawing __elephant.

a. a b. an c. two


) can’t find my bag.

) are you doing?

( )do we need?

) for lunch?

) are you today?

) score is four to three.

) let’s jump into the water.

) the ball.

) your arms.

) wrong,lili?


b 比分是四比三。

c 快打球。


e 你今天感觉怎么样?


h 我找不到书包了。

i 你们正在做什么?

j 现在咱们跳到水里吧。

k 午饭吃什么?


1.doing ? what you are译文。1. to want go down slide the i.

译文。3. afternoon this go let’s .

译文。4 .i but i walk well can’t.

译文。5. the class third ?


( i’m drawing a elephant .

a b c d

2.( let’s make any pancakes._a b c d

3 ( is this you bag

a b c d

4( )pass i the jam,please. _a b c d

5( )i like read booksa b c d

从备选栏中选出正确的单词,并写在横线上。(10分)steve and jimmy: _we’re late.

mrs smith: that’s___

but please be on time __now on.

lili: what’s __first class?

ken: math. i __math.

lili: i do ,too.

备选栏: the ,like , from, okay, sorry情景选择。(6分)


a what’s the two class?

b whose class is this?

c what’s the second class?


a i like science.

b i do,too.

c i don’t like math.

( )3.你看到李丽摔倒了,问道:

a are you all right?

b whose bike is this?

c how about you?

( )4.当贝蒂向你告别时,你可以说:

a i like singing.

b are you all right?

c so long.

把下面的短语和对应的**连起来。(10分)1 one circlea□□

2 two squares b△△△

3 three ********s c ●4 one squared ●●

5 two circlese □


read __reading


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