
发布 2020-09-29 20:19:28 阅读 2337


zebra 斑马trunk 象鼻。

turn around___转身tail 尾巴。

wing翅膀different 不同的。

pond _池塘september _十一月。

drive a car __开小汽车___stay home 呆在家里。

二 fifty-eight twelve forty one hundred

1. thirteen plus __twelve __equals twenty-five。

2.__forty __plus eight equals forty-eight。

3. forty –five plus fifty-five equals

4. twenty-four plus __equals eight-two。

5. eight plus two equals


(a )1.——is this a cab?——

a、 yes, it is. b、 yes, it isn’t. c、 no, it is。

(c ) eat

a. bananas b. grass c. meat

(a )3. where does a __live? in a hole。

a. snake b. panda c. fish

c )4. what has fur?

a. an elephant has fur. b. a bird has fur。

c. a lion has fur。

( b)5. can a cat swim

a. yes, it can b. no, it can’t. c. no, i can’t。

(c )6.——is the gym?——i can show you。

a、 what b、 how c、 where

(c )7.——it’s june. the weather is __

a、 cold and snowy b、windy and cloudy c、 hot and sunny

(b )8.——let’s go

a、 shop b、shopping c、 city

(a )9. a bird has __

a. feathers and wings b. paws and fur c. fingers and feet。

(c )10is the animal on the farm。

a. elephant b. kangaroo c. cow


(b )1、当你邀请别人一块去打乒乓球时,你应说:

a、i want to play ping-pong. b、let’s play ping-pong。

c、you can play ping-pong。

(b )2、当你想告诉同学李明在学校,你可以说:

a. li ming is in front of the school。

b. li ming is inside the school。

c. li ming is outside the school。

(a )3、当你给别人指路,想告诉他向左转,你应说:

a、turn left. b、turn right. c、go straight。

(b )4、当你看到黄灯亮时,你可以对同学说:

a、red is stop. b、yellow is wait. c、yellow is go。

(c )5、当你不想买裙子时,你应该说:

a、i want to buy a dress. b、i don’t want to buy a shirt。

c、i don’t want to buy a dress。

(a )6、当你想给别人指路时,你应该说:

a、i can show you. b、i can see you. c、i can work。

(c )7、当你看到一只戴着红色帽子的山羊,你可以说:

a. i see a dog in a purple hat。

b. i see a goat in a purple hat。

c. i see a goat in a red hat。

( b )8、当你想打扑克,但不知道好朋友会不会玩,你可以说:

a. can you fly?

b. ca you play cards?

c. can you swim?

( c )9、当你看到笼子中的狮子很孤独,你可以说:

a. the elephant is dreaming。

b. the monkeys are hugging。

c. the lion is lonely。

(a )10、当你想知道猴子什么,你可以问?

a. what do monkey eat? b. what do they eat?

c. monkeys eat bananas。


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