
发布 2020-03-21 12:35:28 阅读 5597



一、 补全下列单词,将序号写在题前括号内:(5分)

) 1. libr y a. ur b. ar c. er

) 2. tr ck a. a b. i c. u

) 3. b cycle a. i b. u c. a

) 4. ca. ur b. ir c. ar

) 5. rest rant a. ou b. au c. iu


) 1. a. one b. two c. too d. four

) 2. a. red b. yellow c. window d. white

) 3. a. coat b. cat c. dress d. skirt

) 4. a. car b. jeep c. bus d. sheep

) 5. b. restaurant d. cinema


1. where’s the ( jym, gym

2. the school isnear, far ) from here.

3. let’s goshopping, shop )

4. let’s go to thesupermarket , restaurant)

to buy some vegetables.

5. let’s go to thebook shop, silk shop) to buy

some silk.

四、我会算。 (10分)

1. tow plus three equals

2plus sixteen equals thirty-six.

3. forty plusequals fifty-nine.

4plus fifty equals eighty.

5. thirty-six plus __equals fifty.


ab ) 1.what do you want to do ? a. it′s hot.

) 2.how′s the weatherb. to the office3.how are youc. i want to go to the store .

) 4.where are you goingd. fine, thank you .

) 5 .can you help mee. yes?


)1. excuse me. _is the park?

a: what b: where c: how

)2. turn right __the traffic lights.

a: at b: in c: on

)3. red is __

a: stop b: go c: wait

)4. i live in an

a: office building b: park c: apartment building

)5. where are you __

a: go b: to go c: going

)6. he is listening the radio.

b. at c. in

)7. i my teeth in the morning.

a: do b: brush c: comb

)8where is the hospital.

a: excuse me b: hi c: hello

)9. the tv is across the bed.

a: with b: for c: from

)10. we play catch li ming’s ball.

a: with b: for c: from

)11. this is a pair of .

a: shorts b: skirt c: dress

)12. –is that your sweater?

no,it’s not .

a: my b: mine c: me

) is time __bed.

a: of c. to

)14. is that from here?

a: far b: near

)15. i’m going the library.

a: at b: to c: on



a. what do you want to do ?

b. where’s the hospital?

c. what’s the shop?

)2. 当你想问别人:“你要去**?”时,你会说:

a. where’s you to? b. what do you go ?

c. where are you going?

( )3. 当你想帮助别人,你会说。

a. can you help me ? b. may i help you ?

c .thank you.

( )4. 当你要打扰别人,你会说。

a. excuse me! b. hello!

c. do you h**e a map?

( )5. 当你要问天气怎么样时,你会说:

a. how′s the weather? b. what′s the weather?

c. follow me.


)1. let’s going to school

a b c )2. i do me homework in the evening

a bc )3. who sweater is this

a b c )4. after supper, we see tv

ab c )5. let i help you

a b c九、连词成句,注意大小写。 (10分)

1. do h**e map a you (?

2. eight two plus ten equals (.

3. me let help you (.

4. show i can you (.

5. i am to going office the (.

十、 选词补全短文。(10分)

i live in ani go to __from monday to friday. i walk down the __and turn right at the trafficthen i see amy school is across from the park.


2012 2013年小学四年级英语期末试卷。校名姓名得分。1 给单词分类,把序号写在横线上。8分 a.chinese book c.open d.near e.pencil f.black g.under h story 1.学习用品 2.颜色 3.方位 2 根据情境选出正确的答案。10分 1.想看...


四年级英语第二学期期末试卷。姓名得分。一按正确的格式抄写 20分 it s time for music class.can i h e try.where is the short hand?they are on your feet.二选择题 30分 1 are they ducks?a 狗 b...


2013年畈田朱pep新版小学英语四年级上册期末独立作业。本卷共4页,答卷时间60分钟,满分100分 listening part听力部分 60分 一 听录音,选出听到的字母或单词。10分 1.a.table b.candy c.floor d.key 2.a.strong b.schoolbag ...