
发布 2020-09-30 12:01:28 阅读 3587



说明: 1.考试时间90分钟,满分100分。










toy caron footsmall


--i’m fine ,thank you

are you? do you do? are you?

is ( brother.

a. i b. me

3.--are you?

---i’m lingling

4.--nice to meet you.

a. nice to meet you ,too. fine you.

5. there ( five circles.

6.--how much is it?

ok fine five yuan

7.--is this your book?

---no,it (

a .is b. isn’t c,are

( )mouse.

b. a c. \

9 .-what colour is your bag?

nice b it’beautiful c .it’s red.

miss( )

b i c. my

11do you go to school?

-by bus.

a what b how c why

---it is 8:00.

a what time is it? b what day is it? is it?

h**e ( breakfast at 7:00 in the morning.

a a b an c /

is time ( lunch.

a to b for c at

15.( i help you?

a what b is c. can


) 1. 字母h和r的大写形式分别为___

a. h; r b. p; t

) 2. 按字母表顺序排列正确的一项是 __

a. klmn b. tsrq

) 3. that is an egg. those __eggs.

a. is b . are

) 4is this purse?

–it’s jane’s purse.

a. whose b. what

) 5. -where is the monkey?

it’s __the table.

a under b. in

) 6. our door is brown. _door is blue.

a. they b their


) 1. 你想介绍你妹妹lily时说:

a. his homework is good.

b. this is lily. she’s my sister.

) 2. 你想打听有多少红旗时,问:

a. how many flags are there?

b. b. it’s a flag.

) 3. 向对方表示道歉时说:

a. i’m hungry.

b. b. i’m sorry.

) 4. 体育老师常说一句课堂指令是:

a. trun left. turn right. b. you‘re traffic police.

) 5. 当别人感谢你说“thank you.”时,你可这样回答:

a. no thanks. welcome


you b. nice to meet you.


1. -are you soldiers?

---no,we are students.

( )they are soldiers.

2. –is the mouse in the bathoom?

-yes, it is. (

( )the mouse is in the bathroom.

3. -whose hat is this?

-it’s anne’s hat.

( )this is anne’s hat.

4. -what are these?

--these are elephents.

)these are beautiful birds.

5.--i’m is my shister anne.

)my sister is jane.


nice you meet.

you do what like?

how you are?

my where school bag?

it much how?


hello, i am chen jie. i am a student in class 5, guangming primary(小学) school. there are forty-five students in my class.

our class is on the first floor. look! miss wang is coming.

she is our english teacher. it's 9:00 now.

it's time for english class. miss wang is a beautiful teacher. we like her very much.

she wears a colourful dress today. it's very pretty. my mother has such a(这样一件)dress too.

it's very expensive. it's 100 yuan.


1.9 o'clock is for english class. (

are 55 students in my class. (

wang is our chinese teacher

like our english teacher

dress is not cheap. (


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