
发布 2020-09-30 11:54:28 阅读 3896

思远教育unit 1-3模拟测试(一)


) a. ir b. ar c. ur

) a. u b. un c. um

) a. en b. i c. in

) a. ir b. re c. ree

) a b. e c. o


)1.上学a. the playground

)2.吃早餐 b. go to school

)3.**睡觉c. the teachers’office

)4.老师办公室d. go to bed

)5.操场 e. h**e breakfast


1. some, let’s, milk, drink(.)

2. first, it, on, is, floor, the(.)

3. go, can, outside, we(.)

4. time, for, breakfast, it, is(.)

5. go, to, art, room, let’s, the(.)


1. welcome to our school.

2. this is the teachers’office.

3. that is my classroom.

4. let’s jump and run.

5. do you h**e a library?


一二) )1. where is the art rooma. yes, you can.

)2. what time is itb. no, it isn’t.

)3. can i make a snowmanc. it’s on the second floor.

)4. is this your kited it’s eleven o’clock.

)5. what’s the weather like in nanjing? e it’s rainy.


dear grandma,how are you? thank you for the new hat. it’s beautiful.

i like it. now i am writing(写)at the new school. this is a nice school.

the trees are green, the flowers are red and yellow. we h**e a music room, an art room, a computer room, a canteen and a library. the playground is so big.

we can play football there.

oh, it’s time to go home now. let me stop here. welcome to my school and welcome to my home.


)1. john is writing to his mother.

)2. john has new shoes.

)3. john’s school is nice.

)4. the playground is big.

)5. they can play football on the playground.

hello, i’m sarah. welcome to my school. this is the canteen.

we h**e breakfast at 7 o’clock and h**e lunch at 12 o’clock. this is the library. there are many books.

i like books very much. this is our classroom. there is a computer and a tv in our classroom.

this is our playground. the weather is sunny and warm. and it’s 4 o’clock.

it’s time for pe class. we can play football. let’s go.

) hasbreakfastat eight o’clock.

) is a computer in sarah’s classroom.

) likes books very much.

) is cold and windy.

) can’t play football at peclass.



一) )1. go to the garden. water the flowers.

)2. it’s warm today! take off your jacket!

)3. go to the teachers’office. hand in the homework.

)4. it’s 7:00. it’s time for breakfast.

)5. i like tomatoes. juicy and red.







ab )1. is it hot in hong kong mike’s.

)2. what colour is the i want a pair of boots

)3. whose t-shirt is

)4. can i help it’s cool.

)5. how many sheep are blue and green.



1. what’s the weather like today? 今天 ?

2. whatare these? 是什么?

3.it’s time to get up. .

4. whose hat is this?这是帽子?

5. how much is the skirt ?那条裙子?


6.这是我们的计算机房。 this is our.

7.北京,今天晴天有风。 it’sandin beijing today.

8.你有多少匹马? how manydo you h**e?

9.这双鞋太贵了。 the shoes are too.

10.你的外套是什么颜色的? what colour is your?


一)john: hello.

amy: hi, john. 1.

john: i’m doing my homework.

amy: 2.

john: it’s rainy. how about new york?

amy: 3. .

二)visitor:excuse me. 4.

chen: look, it’s on the first floor. this way, please.

visitor:thank you.

chen: 5. .

the weather like in hangzhou?

is the library?

are you doing now?

are welcome.



amy: hi, tom. i h**e a new classroom.

tom: really? let’s go and h**e a look. wow! it’s big and nice.

amy: look! a new blackboard, four fans and six lights.


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