
发布 2020-09-30 11:56:28 阅读 4365




)1. b. happy

)2. a. purple b. tiger

)3. a. sweets b. bread c. today

)4. a. jump b. clothes c. run

)5. a. football b. january c. may


) are you doing. mum? i’m __vegetable.

a. cooking b. cook c. run

)2. amy .can you __fast?

a. running b. runs c. run

) you play the no .i___

b. can’t

) to haina.

a. ) is going to get up___5o’clock.

) going to h**e a___

day day . day

) the___

a. winer

) going to___the high jump.

( )can go to the park___july.


a. i’m very happy b. happy birthday to you you

)11. 当别人祝你生日快乐时。你应该说___

you very much


on you luck


in please. on!


going to swim. b i’m going to play chess. c. i’m going to play the flute.


)1 what are you doing ? are going to play football.

) i h**e some noodles? i can.

) you want some apples? c. i’m taking photos.

) you play chess? d. sorry, you can’t.

) are they going to do? e .no,i don’t.


1. go strait on

2. turn left

3. turn right

2a. winter b. summerc. spring

1. it’s cold in冬天)

2. we fly kites in春天)

3. i go swimming in夏天)

3a. trainb. shipc. plane

4a. upb. down

1. the train is __the hill. (

2. the boy is __the hill. (

5a. oneb. twelve

1. there are __months in a year.


1. lingling is writing a letter.

2. daming is taking pictures.

3. amy is talking to her friend.

4. tom is playing with a toy train.




1. like i sweets .

2. run fast you can ?


四年级英语期末考试试卷。考号姓名分数。一 补全下列单词,将序号写在题前括号内 5分 1.libr y a.ur b.ar c.er 2.tr ck a.a b.i c.u 3.b cycle a.i b.u c.a 4.ca.ur b.ir c.ar 5.rest rant a.ou b.au c....


2012 2013年小学四年级英语期末试卷。校名姓名得分。1 给单词分类,把序号写在横线上。8分 a.chinese book c.open d.near e.pencil f.black g.under h story 1.学习用品 2.颜色 3.方位 2 根据情境选出正确的答案。10分 1.想看...


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