
发布 2020-09-30 11:53:28 阅读 7901



listening part听力部分(60分)


)1. a. table b. candy c. floor d. key

)2. a. strong b. schoolbag c. shoe d. storybook

)3. a. window b. wall c. computer d. chinese

)4. a. doctor b. driver c. teacher d. nurse

)5. a. little b. like c. light d. lost

)6. a. aunt b. uncle c. under d. candy

)7. a. phone b. friend c. plate d. father

)8. a. cute b. cook c. clean d. chicken

)9. a. hat b. help c. her d. hair

)10. a. farmer b. bowl c. door d. sofa



) 1、a. i’m chen jie. b. my name’s chen jie .

) 2、a. how old are you? b. how are you?

) 3、a. good afternoon! b. goodbye!

) 4、a. show me green. b. i see red.

) 5、a. close your book. b. carry your bag.




( )1. a. i’m nineb. i’m fine, thank you.

( )2. a. that’s all right. b .you are welcome.

( )3. a. greatb. thanks.

( )4. a. eightb. ok.

( )5. a. sure. here you are. b. me too.

writing part笔试部分(40分)


c cx xl l

二选出每组中不同的类的单词。 (10分)

)1. a. six b. seven c. egg d. four

)2. a. juice b. rice c. white d. bread

)3. a. zoo b. tiger c. elephant d. bear

)4. a. eight b. arm c. eye d. leg

)5. a. yellow b. school c. brown d. red


) this? it is

a. an elephant b. ok c. bear

) 2.--i h**ea crayontoo.

a. me c. you

) 3. -colour it brown

a. goodbye b. bye c. ok!

) 4i’m miss white.

a. what’s your name? b. hello? c. how are you?

) some ,please.

a. pen b. egg c. bread

三、look and choose.读句子,选择正确的答句。(5分)

)1. how old are youa. five.

)2 happy birthdayb. nice to meet you.

) is wu yifanc. here you are.

)4. can i h**e some water, please? d. i’m nine.

) many platese. thank you


a. let’s eat the cake!

b. you’re welcome. how old are you?

c. happy birthday, sam.

d. i’m six years old.

f. thank you.

g. hello, john. this is my brother , sam.

h. nice to meet you, too.

i. hi, sam. nice to meet you.

j. great!



10. mouth


1. the eye is big. 2. i h**e a ruler. 3. look! a fat cat head.

4.this is my strong arm. is the ear. 6. what’s this? it’s a book.

7. i can see a baby monkey. h**e an eraser. is the foot.

h**e a pencil.


1. my name’s chen jie 2. how old are you?

3. good afternoon4. show me green. 5. carry your bag.

四.listen and judge.听音,判断**与你听到的内容相符合的打“√”不符合的打“×”

your book. 2. nice to meet you , miss white.

3show me your pencil. 4. happy birthday. 5. what’s that? it’s a bear.


1. how many elephants?three. 2. how many crayons? five.

3. how many birds?seven. 4. how many pencils? seven.

5. how many eggs? nine.


1. how old are you2. thank you.

3. h**e some bread. go to school!

5. can i h**e some water, please?


四年级英语期末考试试卷。考号姓名分数。一 补全下列单词,将序号写在题前括号内 5分 1.libr y a.ur b.ar c.er 2.tr ck a.a b.i c.u 3.b cycle a.i b.u c.a 4.ca.ur b.ir c.ar 5.rest rant a.ou b.au c....


2012 2013年小学四年级英语期末试卷。校名姓名得分。1 给单词分类,把序号写在横线上。8分 a.chinese book c.open d.near e.pencil f.black g.under h story 1.学习用品 2.颜色 3.方位 2 根据情境选出正确的答案。10分 1.想看...


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