四年级第一大周英语作业 1

发布 2020-03-21 12:34:28 阅读 8599

english weekend homework for grade 4

september 19th , 2013—september 23rd ,2013 )by: miss chan

nameclassmark __


您好!在这两个星期内我们学习了第一单元(our school)的全部内容,并要求孩子掌握a、b部分的全部知识。希望各位家。





朗读等级(a b c d)


谢谢支持! 祝您和家人中秋节快乐!


一、 根据**写出下列单词。


)1、cake face2、can cake

)3、snake grapes4、hat apple

)5、h**e make6、cat bag

)7、art name8、math cake

)9、cat can10、fan can


)1.__is the canteen? a. what b. where c. who

)2.__that a picture? a. is b. am c. are

)3. do you h**e lunch __school? a. in b. on c. at

) manyare there in your class? forty-five.

a. studentes b. student c. students

) that a mapit is. a. yes b. yes c. no

)6. is this the washroom

a. yes, it is. b. no, it is. c. no, it isn’t.

)7. the library is on the __floor.

a. one b. two c. second

)8. let’s go and __

a. h**e look b. h**e a look c. look at

)9 __you h**e lunch at school? a. .do do

)10. how many __are there in your school?

a .wash room b. washrooms c. wash rooms

)11.__way, please. b. that c. this is

) our school! a. on b. in c. to

) draw pictures in the __

a .music room b. art room c. canteen

) can read books in the __

a. library room c. gym

) is my desk. that is __desk. a. yourb. you


)1、do you h**e lunch at school? a、forty-six.

)2、is that your pencilb、yes, it is.

)3、let’s go to the libraryc、yes, i do.

)4、how many desks are there? d、ok.

)5、where is the teacher’s office? e、it’s on the first floor.


welcome to my school. look, this is a big playground. we h**e class here.

there are 20 classrooms in my school. in this building(大楼), you can see the gym, the library and the canteen on the first floor. there are many story-books and picture books in the library.

you can read books in it . and there are so many yummy foods in the canteen. my classroom is on the second floor.

it’s big and clean. i like my school.

)1、there are___classrooms in my school.

a. twelve b. thirteen c. twenty

)2、the playground is

a. small b. big c. beautiful

)3、the library is on thefloor.

a. first b. second c. third(第三)

)4、my classroom is

a. big and clean b. small and clean c. big and dirty




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