
发布 2023-01-18 16:13:28 阅读 7616

eec english test 4th(1st term)

笔试部分(80分) name



午餐ulnhc) 尝试___ytr) 在…旁边sebied) 吃___ate)

我的___ienm) 唱歌gins) 骑___erdi) 说话latk)

滑梯desil) 制作___kame)


d_nn_r(晚餐) _ok(厨师) b_n_(弯曲) b_tt_ _更好的) r_ _d(读)

f_r_t(第一) wr_ _g(有问题的) q_ _et(安静的) w_ _se(谁的) l_st_ _听)



is good for you. 2.请坐在迈克的旁边。 3.比分是7比0.

on time from now on. 5.午饭后我睡觉。 do some exercises.

for small circles for the face. like eating watermelons.

9.你会玩电脑游戏吗? 10.第四节课是科学课。


1. a , is , baseball , it

2. draw , well , i , very

3. second , what’s , class , the

4. you , bike , a , can , ride

5. likes , he , violin , the , playing

6. me , the , pass , cap , please

7. glove , is , whose , that

8. doctors , you , here , are

9. like , chinese , i , too

10. for , good , are , you , pears


juice___is/am/are) good for you.

(like/likes/liking) toast.

3.__do/not/don’t) do that again.

a big __star/stars) for the nose.

5.__what/who/how) do you need?

6.__does/do/doing) he go to the library?

(a/an/the) third class?

make __some/any) cakes.

you __play/playing/plays) baseball?

___am/is/are) nurses here.


)1.-what are __they’re___a. it;apple


)3.-what__she do before dinner? a. doing

) he__late.

) sing __well.

)6.__bike is this?

) class?

)8.-is ken___this __ken.

)9.-_you like math?-no , i __do

)10.-do you need __sugar?-yes, i do.

)11.-_you fly?-no, _can’t.

)12.-let’s jump __the water.

)13.-what are you___i___drawing a star.

) score__four to one.

)15.-_is this?-this is my mom.


ab) ) are you doinga. it’s music.

) much is itb. it’s xiaolan’s.

) are you todayc. this is my dad.

) does he liked. ten dollars.

) you like hot dogse. oranges,eggs and some bread.

) you lift your armsf. i’m opening my book.

) bat is thatg. no, i don’t.

) for dinnerh. i’m better,thanks.

) thisi. he likes reading.

) the second class? j. yes, i can.



1. a: is it (_bike2. a: what’s(__lunch?

b: oh, no. it’sb: we h**e some apples.

thank youa: i(__like apples.

3. a: what does she do after dinner? 4. a: does he like music?

b: she goes to the libraryb: yes, he does.

she likeshe can(__very well.

how about youlisten!

a: i(__the pianoa: oh, no(__it.


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第一卷听力部份 30分 一。在你听到的字母或字母组合后的括号中画 听两遍。每题1分,共10分 1.a u i 2.y r m 3.b p d 4.g q r 5.f e l cctv bbc abc 6.usa ussr sos pm un 8.fbi dna gmt shirt than...


第一卷听力部份 30分 一。在你听到的字母或字母组合后的括号中画 听两遍。每题1分,共10分 1.a u i 2.y r m 3.b p d 4.g q r 5.f e l cctv bbc abc 6.usa ussr sos pm un 8.fbi dna gmt shirt than...