
发布 2022-05-15 18:24:28 阅读 7540




)1、a、cat b、car2、a、dog b、doll( )3、a、four b、five4、a、coke b、coffeeⅱ、请在老师所读的内容的括号里打“√”12分)


)1. a. i’m ten years old. b here you are.

)2. a welcomeb. you’re welcome( )3.

a h**e some breadb. thanks( )4. anice to meet you, thank you( )5.

a. i’m fine,thank youb. i’m nine.

( 6. a. sure b.

great! c. thank you

)7. a. thank you b.

sure c. very well,thank you.( 8.

a. ok b. me too c.


)9. a. ok b. sure, here you are c. thank you

)10. i’m sarah. b. my name’s sarah. c. nice to meet you,too.



)1、a、car b、plane c、crayon( )2、a、rabbit b、red c、bear( )3、a、seven b、milk c、eight

)4、a、hamburger b、hot dog c、balloonⅵ、把下面的句子翻译成中文意思。(24分)1、here you are . thank you2、i like hot dogs.

3、can i h**e some milk4、happy birthday to you5、how are you ? fine, thanks6、how old are you读左栏的句子,从右栏中选择合适的答语连线。(18分)1、what’syour namea、4.

2、may i h**e a lookb、myname’sjohn .3、nice to meet youc、you ’rewelcome .4、thank youd、i’mfrom china .

5、how many balloonse、nice to meet you , too .6、where are you fromf、sure ,here you are .ⅷ把下面数字从小到大排列,只填序号。






) 1. a. pen b.

pencil c. pencil-case( )2. a.

head b. hand c. hello( )3.

a. blue b. pink c.

purple( )4. a. bird b.

bear c. boat( )5. a.

cake b. coke c. coffeeⅱ、听录音,根据问句选答语。


) 1. a. thank youb. i’m fine, thankyou.

) 2. a. fine, thank you.

b. i’m nine.( 3.

a. nice to meet you, too. b.

hello.( 4. a.

okb. me, too.( 5.

a. good afternoon. b.

good morning.二、笔试部分(70分)

、找出下列每组单词中不同类的单词。(20分)( 1. a.

five( )2. a. mouth b.

mouse c. monkey( )3. a.

bodyb. bluec. black

) 4. a. bread b. crayon c. cake( )5. a. pinkb. purple 单项选择。(30分)

) 1.—can i h**e some chickena. sure.

here you are. b. very well, thank you.

( 2.—what’s your namea. this is bai ling.

b. my name is bai ling.( 3.

你想向别人介绍你的朋友john,应该说___a、hello!i’mjohn . b、this is john .


a. red and whiteb. red and yellow( )5.与别人道别时,我们应该说___a、hello! b、see you .

) 6.要把某样东西给别人,通常应该说___a. here you areb.

may i h**e a look?( 7.别人赞扬你的东西很漂亮时,你应该说:

__a. thank youb. no.

) 8.询问别人的年龄,你应该说:__a.

how old are you? b. how are you?

( 9.当别人感谢你时,你应该说:__a.

thank youb. you are welcome.( 10.


a. h**e some milkb. i like milk.


pep小学英语三年级上册单元教学分析。recycle 2 主题 recycle 2 教材分析 本单元为复习单元。本部分主要复习1 6单元内容 动物类单词 食物类单词 数字类单词和会话的应用。能在实际情景中运用what s your name?how are you?what s this that?...


unit 1hello 一 重点单词。ruler尺子。pencil铅笔。eraser橡皮。crayon蜡笔。bag包。pen钢笔。pencil box铅笔盒。book书。no不。your你 们 的。二 重点句型。1.向别人问好。hello 你好!hi 你好!2.自我介绍。i m wu yifan.我...


unit 4 we love animals part a let s learn 白铁二小。教者 段洪彦。一 教学内容。学习六种动物 monkey,dog,duck,panda,cat,rabbit并会模拟动物动作。二 教材分析。本课是本册书中第二单元第二课时,主要是学习六种动物的英文名称 mon...