
发布 2022-05-12 16:44:28 阅读 8628



例:it is timeclass.

a. tob. inc. for

1. thereno water in the glass.

a. hasb. arec. is

2. this pen was given me by my mother. it's

a. myb. minec. to me

3. tractors helpful to the commune members?

a. is this b. are thesec. are theirs

4. which subject do you like , physics or chemistry?

a. the most b. the bestc. better

5. the yellow river is the second river in china.

a. longb. longerc. longest

6. the boat is passing the bridge.

a. under b. throughc. across

7. he went to nanking october, 1977.

a. inb. onc. at

8. taiwan is the east of fukien.

a. inb. atc. to

9. his "selected poemsfirst published in 1965.

a. wereb. wasc. has been

10. did youto his talk yesterday?

a. hearb. heardc. listen

11. who isof you three?

a. olderb. oldestc. the oldest

12. my aunt to see us. she'll be here soon.

a. comes b. is coming c. had come

13. mathematicsthe language of science.

a. is b. are going to be c. are

14. people attended the meeting last night.

a. a hundred ofb. hundredc. hundreds of

15. what do you usually do

a. in an eveningb. in the eveningc. on the evening

16. when i got to the top of the mountain, the sun

a. was shiningb. shonec. has shone

17. he is very oldhe still works very hard.

a. butb. ifc. when

18. he has already worked forhour.

a. theb. anc. a

19. my brother is very good ping-pong.

a. inb. forc. at

20. the poor peasants all had a life before liberation.

a. sufferedb. cruelc. bitter

21. i've heard him about you often.

a. spokeb. speaksc. speak

22. when did you my letter?

a. receiveb. acceptc. got

23. i need a day or two .

a. to think it over b. to think over itc. of thinking

24. we must the importance of the four modernizations.

a. learn by heartb. keep in mindc. know by heart

25. we a spare-time study group last week.

a. set upb. put upc. h**e established

26. my father me to become a doctor.

a. thinksb. saysc. hopes

27. he is thin.

a. fairlyb. ratherc. little

28. we waited for the bus.

a. for long timeb. a long timec. some long time

29. in this factory, it's hard to tell cadres workers.

a. fromb. toc. about

30. i hsiao li since she was a little girl.

a. knew b. know c. h**e known


a. 就划线部分提问:

1. this is my dictionary.

2. she often carries water for granny wang.

b. 改成否定句:

3. i think he'll go there tomorrow.

c. 改成被动语态:

4. we chose chang hua league secretary.

5. our teacher always takes good care of us.


1. 他已到了参军年龄。

2. 冬天北方比南方冷。

3. 张同志进来时,我正在看报。

4. *****以来,我们公社里建造了一个水库和一所发电站。

5. 以华主席为首的***,正在领导我们进行新的长征。

6. 科学家们受到了全国人民的赞扬,因为他们对科学的发展做出了重要的贡献。


premier chou came to my grandmother the first time he

tachai. i shouted into granny's , granny, the premier's here. he's come all the from peking to see you!

"how we are to meet you, premier chou!" said granny. "how did you get here and how are you going to stay?

"the premier said, "i came by , so the journey took me only a few hours. i think i can stay in tachai very long, because i've got a of work to do in peking. ibe back today.


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