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一、单词辨音仔细辨认下列各小题括号内单词划线部分的读音。并从每小题a, 、b, 、c, 、d, 四个单词中选出一个含有与括号内划线部分音素相同的单词,将其前面的字母填入左边的括号内。不将答案填入括号内不给分。

(本题共5分,每小题0, 5分)

例:a, (tale) a, c**e b, rather c, want d, taxi

1, (office) a, topic b, obey c, pollution d, post

2, (message) a, peasant b, servant c, japan d, package

3, (loose) a, cook b, wood c, boot d, childhood

4, (bread) a, beast b, measure c, real d, breathe

5, (wear) a, bear b, spear c, fear d, earth

6, (shoulder) a, cough b, south c, route d, soul

7, (town) a, arrow b, flow c, crowd d, bowl

8, (chemical) a, technology b, chest c, church d, cheerful

9, (gather) a, method b, maths c, thorough d, smooth

10, (asa, nurse b, husband c, thirsty d, master

二、词语释义从每小题的a, 、b, 、c, 、d, 四个答案中,选出一个意思与句中划线部分相同或相近的答案,把它前面的字母填入左边的括号内。对原文不得作任何改动。(本题共10分,每小题1分。

)例:c, the young man was anxious to help the stranger,

a, worried b, glad c, eager d, sorry

1, there is a tiny village at the foot of the mountain,

a, clean b, poor c, quiet d, small

2, she dismissed him with a w**e of the hand,

a, said hello to b, sent… away c, put… away d, shouted to

3, shop assistants should constantly improve their service,

a, greatly b, all the way c, quickly d, all the time

4, mr smith seems to be showing too much f**our to tom,

a, attention b, kindness c, respect d, importance

5, nancy's birthday is drawing near, shall we pick out a present for her?

a, choose b, buy c, order d, prepare

6, most of the tape-recorders in their school are out of order,

a, out of work b, of poor quality c, not in good condition d, out of control

7, no matter what other people say, you should stick to your plan,

a, bring out b, carry on with c, draw up d, write out

8, when i was cleaning out my desk, i came across this old picture,

a, took a glance at b, caught hold of c, happened to find d, laid my hand on

9, when george came back home, he found his father had just passed away,

a, left home b, gone out c, died d, passed by

10, when she got through with her work, she was worn out,

a, tired out b, out of breath c, pleased d, satisfied

三、选择答案从每小题的a, 、b, 、c, 、d, 四个答案中,选出一个正确答案,把它前面的字母填入左边的括号内。对原文不得作任何改动。(本题共15分,每小题1分)

例:b, hand your test *****, please,

a, off b, in c, round d, down

1. let us hope we can settle the mater without __more trouble.【1988】

a. any b. a little c. some d. little

2. as it was a stormy night, _people went to see the film.【1988】

a. a few b. few c. several d. many

3. _the temperature, _water turns into steam.【1988】

a. the high, the fast b. higher, faster

c. the more higher, the faster d. the higher, the faster

4. the passengers were robbed __all their money.【1988】

a. of b. off c. from d. away

5. we __for her because she never came.【1988】

a. needn’t wait b. shouldn’t h**e waited c. mustn’t wait d. mustn’t h**e waited

6. i insist that a doctor __immediately.【1988】

a. has been set for b. sends for c. will be sent for d. be sent for

7. he was disappointed to find his suggestions __1988】

a. been turned down b. turned down c. to be turned down d. to turn down

8. i don’t regret __even if it might h**e upset her.【1988】

a. to tell her what i thought b. to h**e told her that i thought

c. telling what i thought d. telling her what i thought

9. the rice __if you had been more careful.【1988】

a. would not be burning b. would not burn

c. would not h**e been burnt d. would not burnt

10. upon graduation he asked to be sent to __1988】

a. where he is most needed b. where he needed

c. where he is mostly needed d. where is he mostly needed

11. the roof fell __he had time to dash into the room to s**e his baby.【1988】

a. after b. as c. before d. until

12. is this the house __shakespeare was born?【1988】

a. at where b. which c. in which d. at which

13. three-fourths of the surface of the earth __sea.【1988】

a. is b. are c. were d. has been

14. _got into the room __the telephone rang.【1988】

a. he hardly had, then b. hardly had he, when c. he had not, than d. not had he, when

15. _danger man is often much wiser than usual.【1988】

a. in a time of b. in the times of c. in the time of d. in time of

四、完形填空先通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从下列各小题的a, 、b, 、c, 、d, 四个答案中选择最佳答案,将其前面的字母,填入左边的括号内。如将答案填入空格内,不给分。(本题共20分,每小题1分)


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