
发布 2022-05-12 05:29:28 阅读 6662


教学内容:一、morning time ( 晨间学习)

what’s thisit’s a rabbit.

what’s thisit’s an elephant.

what’s thatit’s a crocodile.

what’s thatit’s a butterfly.

二、class time (课堂学习)

一)、song and chants (歌曲童谣)

two little dickybirds (两只小小鸟)

two little dickybirds sitting on a wall.

one named peter, one named paul.

fly away, peter, fly away, paul.

come back, peter, come back, paul.

二)、everyday english (日常英语)

andy: what’s thislily: it’s a dog.

andy: what’s thatlily: it’s a rabbit.

三)、cartoon english (动画英语)


it’s delicious (美味佳肴)


喝:drink吃: eat

面包: dread玉米:corn


重点句型:what’s thisit’s corn/ dread /milk /cake……


2、学生了解并正确使用“what’s this/that?”句型询问某物品名称并能够做出恰当回答。





英语单词卡片 hungry thirsty drink eat

dread corn cake milk



歌曲童谣 (song and chants5分钟。

日常英语 (everyday english15分钟。

动画英语(cartoon english10分钟。

总结 (sum---up5分钟。

教学难点。孩子们能很好地区分 “what’s this?” 和 “what’s that?”。并能应用到具体的环境中。

教学过程:一)、warm-up (预热)


t: who is knocking at the door?

s: i’m…… may i come in?

t: come in, please.

s: thank you.

t: go back to your seat.

s: thank you.

t: class begins!

s: hello! teacher!

t: hello! boys and girls. are you happy?

s: yes. i’m happy.

t: ok. i’m happy. let’s begin our class with a nice song today. ok?

s: ok!

t: are you ready? (**歌曲童谣 《apple tree》)

s: yes.

t: one two three go.【注:教师可以让优秀的学生上台表演唱或进行小组比赛唱】

t: which group wants to do first?

s:比赛。t: which group is the best?

s: 学生自评互评。


二、歌曲童谣 (song and chants)

**《课堂学习》vcd unit7的歌曲童谣学习环节。注意:听熟歌曲,看该歌曲的flash 动画,教师根据画面和歌词辅以相应的动作手势,让学生了解歌词大意,明白“fly away(飞走)”和“come back(回来)”的含义,鼓励学生唱歌时要配以简单动作。

t: ok! let’s sing a song.

two little dickybirds (两只小小鸟)

two little dickybirds sitting on a wall.

one named peter, one named paul.

fly away, peter, fly away, paul.

come back, peter, come back, paul.

t: you are listen carefully watch carefully. a star fou you!

or you are very good. a star fou you! fou you!

fou you! fou you!

三、everyday english (日常用语)

**《课堂学习》vcd unit7的日常英语学习环节。注意:教师要通过日常英语录像、动作手势等让学生明白对话大意。

在学生能听清说准的基础上,借助卡片,采用“师生问答”、“生生问答”、“两组问答”等多种形式反复练习对话。教师要鼓励同学们选择自己喜欢的角色进行表演。要是学生掌握得很好,还可以重复《晨间学习》【morning time】的“日常英语替换内容” 或者 “节奏英语”

what’s thisit’s a rabbit.

what’s thisit’s an elephant.

what’s thatit’s a crocodile.

what’s thatit’s a butterfly.

t: les’t watch tv. everyday english.

andy: what’s thislily: it’s a dog.

andy: what’s thatlily: it’s a rabbit

t: practice the everyday english

t: les’t play a game.

t: i ask and you answer.

t: boy ask and girl answer.

t: xi yangyang ask and mei yangyang answer.

t: you are listen carefully watch carefully. a star fou you!

or you are very good. a star fou you! fou you! fou you! fou you!

or you’ve made great progreas. a star fou you! here you are.

四、cartoon english (动画英语)



nse:schoolbag pen ruler book pencil

pde: rabbitbreadcorncakemilk

五、总结 (sum---up)

1) 齐读


3)t: pencil

s: it’s a pencil.

4) t 拿实物问“what’s this?”

ss: it’s a __

t 指黑板上的**问“what’s that?”

ss: it’s a __

5)t &s1 示范对话。




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