
发布 2022-05-11 10:43:28 阅读 9617


一. 字母和词汇 (21分)

a. 写出下列大、小写字母的左邻右舍。 (5分)

1. _j 2. p___3. v___4. _m 5. h___

b. 单词归类,根据所给单词按其所属类别归类。(请注意字母书写,看谁写得最好)(8分)

eraser coat gray leg brown skirt mouth ruler



c. 根据汉语提示,用单词或词组的适当形式填空 (8分)

this? it’s a小汽车)

old are you? i’m十三)

3. does she h**e a __宽的) or small mouth?

these七辆公共汽车) ?yes, they are.


)1.--thank you

a. no thank. b. ok. c. you’re welcome. d. that’s right.

)2.--what’s __name? -michael.

a. i b. my c. his d. he

)3.--is this your eraser? -yes, _

a. this is b. it isn’t c. it is d. it’s

)4. amy is __american girl.

a. a b. an c. the d. /

)5. _are good friends.

a. i and tom b. tom and me c. me and tom d. tom and i

)6do you spell “make”? m-a-k-e, make.

a. what b. how c. what’s d. where

) 7. my sistera small mouth.

a. is b. are c. h**ed. has

)8. jane and yukio h**e differentthey are friends.

a. look, and b. the look, and c. looks, but d. look, but

) 9. -what color___the pantsare blue.

a. is, they b. are, they c. are, theirs d. is, it

)10. do you know the girl __green?

a. with b. in d. are

)11.“_is your father?” he’s fine. thank you.”

a. who b. how c. what d. where

)12. he __h**e a sister, but he __a brother.

a. don’t , h**e b. doesn’t, h**e c. don’t, has d. doesn’t, has

)13. what are these

a. they are a box. b. they are boxes. c. it’s a boxd. it’s boxes.

)14.“i h**e two big eyes.”

a. me, too. b. i h**e, too. c. i, too. d. me h**e, too.

)15she’s my sister, amy.

a. what’s your name b. what’s this c. what’s that d. who’s that

) 16. jane, give that __maria.

a. tob. in c. on d. /

) 17boy is tom? -the one in a red cap.

a. which b. what c. where d. who

) 18.--see you

a. i’m fine. b. i’m ok. c. bye d. thank you.

) 19where are you from?

i’m from zhuzhou.

a. good morning b. good evening c. excuse me d. nice to meet you.

) 20. my sister and i are in the same __but in different

a. schools; grades b. schools; grade c. school; grades d. school; grade

三。 用所给词的适当形式填空。(6分)(千变万化,我也会)

1. what’ sshe) name?

2. a cat has fourfoot)

3. your sisterh**e) a nice shirt.

4. tom and jimbe) in different classes.

5. li lei is fromchinese).

6. he has two smallknife )


am a student.(改为一般疑问句a student ?

michael come from the usa?(作肯定回答) yes

hair is black.(就划线部分提问is your hair?

black one is his cap. (同上is his cap?

has big ears. (改为同义句earsbig.



bob: please give the book to maria

ann: i’m sorrywhat does she look like?

boband she has small eyes and a small nose. she looks nice.

ann: is she tall?

bobann: oh, i know

bob: thank you very much.


) 1. who is that boy over therea. yes, it is.

) 2. what does she look likeb. yes, she is.


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