
发布 2022-03-19 00:49:28 阅读 8455




常考话题:1. 购物 shopping

1)what can i do for you?你要买什么?

can(may)i help you?我可以为您效劳吗?

2)i want some eggs.我要一些鸡蛋。

i’d like half a kilo of meat.我要半公斤肉。

how much is the fish?这鱼多少钱?

how much are these things?这些东西多少钱?

that’s cheap(dear).这挺便宜(贵)。

that’s too much(expensive),i’m afraid.恐怕太贵了。

that’s much too expensive!真是太贵了!

that’s fine.i’ll take it.很好,我买下它。

let me h**e...kilo(box,etc).我要……千克(盒等)。

3)how many(oranges)do you want?你要买多少(桔子)?

how much(meat)do you want?你要买多少(肉)?

what size(colour/kind)do you want?你要什么型号(颜色/种类)的?

4)do you h**e any other


h**e you got any other kind?你们有其它种类的吗?

2. 问路和应答 asking the way and responses

1)excuse me,is there a post office near here?请问,附近有邮局吗?

excuse me,can you tell me the way to the museum,please?劳驾,请问去博物馆的路怎么走?

how can i get to...i don’t know the way.我怎样才能到达……?我不认识路。

2)go down this street.顺着这条街走。

walk along this road and turn right.沿着这条路走并向右转。

take the fourth turning on the left.拐过左边的第四个转弯处。

turn right(left)at the second crossing.在第二个十字路口向右(左)转。

you can’t miss it.你不会错过。

you will find the museum on the left.你会在左边找到博物馆。

it’s about 100 metres from here.离这儿大约100米。

3.问时间或日期和应答 asking the time or date and responses

1)what day is it today(tomorrow)?今天(明天)是星期几?

what’s the date today ?今天是几号?

what time is it?几点了?

what’s the time,please?请问,几点了?

2)it’s monday today.是星期一。

it’s january 12th,1991.今天是2023年1月12日。

it’s about four thirty.大约四点半了。

it’s half past five.五点半了。

oh,i must go home.噢,我得回家了。

it’s time to go to bed.是睡觉的时间了。

it’s time for class.是上课的时间了。

4.劝告和建议 advice and suggestions

1)you’d better catch a bus.你最好乘公共汽车。

you should say sorry to her.你应当向她道歉。

you need to climb up the trees with ladders.你需要用梯子来爬树。

2)shall we play basketball tomorrow ?咱们明天打篮球好吗?

let’s look at it.让我们看看它吧。

what about this blue one?这个蓝色的怎样?

how about going out for a walk?出去散散步怎么样?

5.禁止和警告 prohibition and warnings

1)you can’t swim in the sea.你不能下海游泳。

you mustn’t sit down.你不可以坐下。

if you eat old food,you may be ill.如果吃了陈腐的食物,你会得病的。

2)take care!注意!

be careful!当心!

don’t go too high!别爬得太高!

6.表示感情expressing certain emotions

1)喜悦 pleasure and joy

glad to see you again !又见到您,我很高兴。

the two friends were very pleased to see each other again.两个朋友非常高兴再次相见。

we’re both very happy that we are twins.我们为是双胞胎而感到高兴。

it’s very nice.很好。



2)焦虑 anxiety

what’s wrong ?怎么啦?

what’s the matter(with you)?(你)怎么啦?

she felt worried.她感到着急。

oh,dear,what shall i do?噢,我该怎么办呢?

3)惊奇 surprise



is that so?是真的吗?

7.就餐taking meals

1)what would you like to h**e你想吃什么?

what about something to eat?你要些吃的东西吗?

would you like something to drink?你想喝点什么吗?

lucy,are you hungry?露茜,你饿吗?

would you like another one?想再吃一个吗?

2)i’d like a bottle of orange juice.我要一瓶桔子汁。

3)would you like some more...你想再要些……吗?

h**e one,please!请吃一个!

could you pass me the salt,please.请把盐递给我。

help yourself!随意取用(食物、饮料)等。

4)thank you.i’ve had enough.谢谢,我吃够了。

i am full.我吃饱了。

it’s my f**ourite.这是我最喜欢的(人或物)。

just a little,please.再来一点吧。

i enjoyed it very much.我非常喜欢。

8.约会 ****** appointments

1)are you free tomorrow night?明天晚上你有空吗?

what about four o’clock?四点钟怎么样?

what time shall we meet?我们什么时候见面?

how about tomorrow morning(afternoon/evening)?明天上午(下午,晚上)如何?

shall we meet at 4:30 at...四点半我们在……碰头好吗?

where are we going to meet?我们在哪儿碰头?

2)yes,that’s all right.好的。

yes,i’ll be free then.好吧,那时我有空。

3)all right.see you then .好吧,再见。


9.看病seeing the doctor

1)there’s something wrong with kate?凯特有点不舒服。

i’ve got a cough.我咳嗽。

i feel even worse.我觉得更难受了。

i’m feeling even worse.我觉得更加难受了。

i don’t feel well.我不舒服。

i’ve got a pain here.我这儿疼。

this place hurts.我这儿痛。

he will be ok if i do one small operation.我做个小手术他就会好的。

2)take this medicine twice a day.这药一天服两次。

are you sure it’s nothing serious?你能肯定不要紧吗?

you’ll be all right soon .你的病不久就会好的。

she’ll get well soon .她很快就会好的。

10.语言困难 language difficulties

pardon ?请再说一遍。

please say that again(more slowly).请再说一遍(说慢点)。

what do you mean by baozi?你说“baozi”是什么意思?


2010年04月14日10 06 考试大。阅读的方法有三种 先看问题再看文章 先看文章再看问题 看文章的时候对照问题。每种方法各有利弊 先看问题有时候是浪费时间,因为问题太多,而且太紧张了,所以看完了也留不下什么印象。先文章再看问题,发现还要回找文章对应的地方,其实是做了第二次功,也有点浪费时间。边...


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