
发布 2022-02-01 14:33:28 阅读 4480


module 4 unit 1 dad played the erhu.


1.知识目标: a. 学习掌握四会单词concert ,cd ,chinese。

b. 能够听、说并认读乐器单词guitar, pipa, violin, erhu 。

c. 了解语境词instrument

d. 掌握功能句 what did they play?

dad played the erhu.

mum played the pipa.

2.能力目标: 使学生能够运用所学单词和句型描述过去演奏了什么乐器及活动。

3.情感目标: a.让学生通过对过去事情的描述,提高学生的参与积极性,从而激发学生学习的热情。培养学生的合作精神。


教学重点:1. 目标语词: concert 、cd 、chinese、 guitar 、 pipa

violin、 erhu、 instrument

2.目标语句: what did they play?

dad played the erhu.

mum played the pipa.

教学难点:a. 定冠词the 在动词词组中的发音。

b. play the (乐器) 和 play (球类) 这两类词组的比较和运用。




教学流程〕.warming up

t: good afternoon , boys and girls .

ss: good afternoon , teacher.

t: what did you do yesterday.

s1: i did my homework yesterday.

t: you’re a good girl .

t: do you know what did i do yesterday ?

ss: i don’t know .

t: i went to a concert yesterday.(**一段**会**)

. presentation and leading

t: what can you see in the concert ?

s1: i can see pianos.

t: group one, please stand up . do you like pianos?

ss: yes!

t: let’s do and say : pia- pia- piaon.

s2: i can see flutes.

ⅲ. practice

a. t:lingling also went to a concert yesterday. let’s listen and find out :

who played in the concert ?

what did they play ? **教学cd)

b: 根据学生的回答引出新句型:dad played the erhu.

mum played the pipa.

c: 利用课件出示**请学生根据例句进行句型练习,加深对句型的理解。

d: game: gossip.

e: t: we know erhu and pipa are chinese instruments.

t: what does an erhu look like ?

ss: listen and repeat.

ss:it looks like a violin. it looks like a guitar. 出示课件对词组look like 进行操练。

. production

t: i h**e some pictures here. let’s guess what did he/she/they play?

ss: listen carefully and guess .

he played the piano .

she played the erhu.

. summary and homework




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