考生须知:1. 全卷满分为120分,考试时间120分钟。试卷8页共四部分,86小题。
2. 本卷答案必须做在答题卡的相应位置上,做在试卷上无效。答卷纸共1张。
温馨提示:亲爱的同学们,请仔细审题,细心答题,。相信你一定会有出色的表现。 世上无难事,只怕有心人。
) 1. how is the weather today?
abc. ) 2. what is cindy going to buy?
abc. ) 3. where would eric like to go for vacation?
abc. ) 4. how will tom go to kunming?
abc. ) 5. where are they probably talking?
) doesn’t. b. her father. c. yes,she did.
) all right. course not. c. yes,i’d loveto
) should. shouldn’t.
should say sorry.
) is lily. are you?
) think so. enjoy it very much.
about mickymouse.
第三节,听对话,选出能回答问题的正确选项。每段对话听两遍。( 10分)
) did alice do this morning?
got a present from mike.
met mike.
got a present from tony.
) is mike now?
is here with his friend.
has gone to island.
has gone to london.
) will the weather be like tomorrow?
a. sunny
) is the boy so excited?just because of
parent. weather. picnic.
) long has the man been ill?
day days days
) the man’s trouble?
a. he can’t fall asleep at night
b. he doesn’t get enough exercise.
c. he coughs much at night.
) did the doctor the man to do?
a. to visit the doctor often
b. to go to bed at the same time.
c. to drink more tea at night.
) are the man and the woman doing?
a. they are talking on the phone.
b. they are h**ing their summer holiday.
c. they are watching the weather report.
) the weather like in sanya now?
and dry and wet. c. wet and cool.
) are mike’s family going to spend their holiday?
guangdong. guangxi. c. in hainan.
)21. a.15b.16c.17
)22. a. england b. america c. china
)23. a. 4b. 3c. 5
)24. a. english b. music c. french
)25. a. allenb. lucky c. smith
4 下面属于 关爱集体 表现的是 在集体中求大同存小异 集体是大家的,不属于我一个人,我不必关心它 发扬集体的好作风 团结他人。在集体中我行我素 唯我独尊 自觉维护集体的荣誉和利益。abcd5 北京同仁堂上海分店的一名普通营业员小周,由于工作疏忽,给顾客报错了服药的剂量。发现出错后立即在 新民晚报 ...
九年级数学期中试题。一 选择题 每题3分,共24分 1 已知反比例函数的图象经过点p 一l,2 则这个函数的图象位于。a 第。二 三象限 b 第。一 三象限 c 第。三 四象限 d 第。二 四象限。2 在比例尺是的南京市城区地图上,太平南路的长度约为25cm,它的实际长度约为 a 320cm b 3...
九年级上学期期中数学试卷。一 选择题 共6小题,每小题2分,满分12分 1 已知oa 4cm,以o为圆心,r为半径作 o 若使点a在 o内,则r的值可以是 a 2cm b 3cm c 4cm d 5cm 2 方程 x 1 2 1 x的根是 a 0 b 1或0 c 1或0 d 1 3 某商场试销一种 ...