
发布 2022-01-01 08:33:28 阅读 4969







)1. how will lucy and her family go to school?

)2. where are the two speakers going?

)3. what time does leo h**e to get back home?

)4. what product do the two speakers sell?

)5. which picture shows what is happening?


) 6. what’s nelly like now?

a. she is outgoing. b. she is shyc. she is hard-working.

)7. where was the computer made?

a. in new york. b. in berlinc. in taiwan.

)8. what will chris fix tomorrow?

a. the fridge. b. the tvc. the washing machine.

)9. what does jim’s mother ask him to do?

a. to wash his hair. b. to paint a picture. c. to h**e his hair cut.

)10. what does mr. green tell amy to do tomorrow?

a. to wash her school uniform. b. to get to school early.

c. to wear her school uniform.



)11. how long does it take the girl to get to school by bus now?

a.15 minutes. b. 20 minutesc. 25 minutes.

)12. what is the boy interested in?

a. chessb. footballc. swimming.


)13. what subject does lily’s father teach?

a. mathb. historyc.

)14. when is lily’s 15th birthday party?

a. this saturday afternoon. b. this sunday morning c. this sunday afternoon.

)15. what does tom want to do on sunday?

a. to visit his teacher. b. to look after his sister. c. to go to the cinema.


)16. where was the bike made?

a. in germanyb. in americac. in britain.

)17. what color is the bike?

a. redb. bluec. green

)18. how much is the bike?

a. £130b. £120c. £110

)19. when does the bike shop close?

a. at 6:45b. at 7:15c. at 8:30.

)20. where is the bike shop?

a. at no. 11 king street.

b. at no. 21 king street.

c. at no. 22 king street.

ii. 语法与情景对话(共25小题;每小题1分,满分25分)


c)21.—sue, did you use to hateant?

yes, but latereuropean scientist changed my idea about it.

a. a;a b.a;an c.an;a d.an;an

c)22.—how do you improve yourby reading aloud every morning.

a. sentence b. expression c. grammar d. pronunciation

c)23.—what do you think of your english teacher?

she is veryshe often explains the difficult points many times until we understand.

a. strict b. hardworking c. patient d. smart

a)24.—where is the bookstore?

it's __the second floorthe flower store and the drugstore.

a. on;between b. at;next to c. on;among d.in;across from

d)25.—could you tell me where your hometown is?

itin a village in the southeast of shandong province.

a. comes b. goes c. falls d. lies

b)26.—do you know why the teacherbill yesterday?

because he had a fight with his classmate.

a. praised b. punished c. met d. sent

a)27.—lisa looked unhappy in the meeting and didn't give any suggestions.

yes. she wasangrysay a word.

a. too;to b. as;as c. either;or d. so;that

c)28.—you h**e changed a lot these years.

yes. i h**e __a lot of weight. i'm about 20 pounds he**ier than before.

a.laid out b.got on c.put on d.come on

a)29.—h**e you ever read harry potter?

of course. it's a famous novelby j.k. rowling.

a. written b. to write c. writing d. wrote

d)30.—do you knowjenny will go to beijing?

i'm not sure. she may go there by train.

a. why b. when c. whether d. how

d)31.—what kind of drink is the most popular in china?

tea isdoubt the most popular. itby many people.

a. with;drinksb. with;is drunk

c. without;drinks d. without;is drunk

b) number of teachers in our school60 and a number of themmen teachers.


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