2023年秋期中试卷 九年级英语

发布 2022-07-16 13:47:28 阅读 3599






、请听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(每小题1分,共5分 )

)1. a. angryb. happyc. sorry

)2. a. couldb. watchc. floor

)3. a. prefer to b. at workc. some doves

)4. a. some people b. love warc. in america

)5. a. the war happened in february,2006

b. the war was over in february,2006.

c. the war was still on in february,2006.

、请听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。( 每小题1分,共5分 )

)6. a. i’m glad that you like it. b. it doesn’t matter. c. no, thanks.

) good ideab. sorry to hear that. c. thank you.

) pleaseb. me, tooc. what's the matter?

)9. a. since 1999 b. in 1999c. two years ago.

) wonderful! h**e no idea. i do.

、请听对话和问题,选择适当的选项。 (每小题1分,共5分 )

).11 a. at 6:45 pm. 7:15 pmc. at 7:45 pm

) 12. a.15 yuan. b. 30 yuanc. 45 yuan

) 13. the bed. the table c. in the sitting-room.

) 14. cat

) and sister. b. father and daughter. c. husband and wife.

、请听短文,选择正确答案。 (每小题1分,共5分 )

( )is __years old.


( )is good at english now because

a. her english teacher helped her a lot.

b. she joined an english language club two years ago.

c. her pen pal helped her a lot.

( )18. carol oftenon weekends.

a. watches english movies at home.

b. goes out with her friends.

c. goes shopping with her mother.

( )goes to the club

a. every monday evening b. every friday evening. c. on weekends

( )is allowed to___on school nights.

a. watch tv b. use the computer c. go out



speak english so q___that i can’t catch their meaning.

is t___of the dark. he often go to sleep with the bedroom light on.

3. be careful ,don’t fall顺楼梯而下 )

last, they s成功)in finishing that hard work.

5. don’t put your books on these架子, 搁板).

6. his grandpadead) five years ago.

7. .please write ascareful) as you can .

doctor g**e the man a (medicine) examination.

you had time tomorrow, i’d invite youh**e) dinner at my house.

made adecide) to study english hard from then on.


) think it’s __useful advice, so i will always remember it.

d./ ) is shy, so she is to speak in public.

a. worry b. happy c. confident d. afraid

)3.—we are going hiking tomorrow. what will the weather be like, benson?

—why not __the radio and listen to the report?

a. turn on b. turn off c. take away d. find out

) a big house for my family if i __a lot of money.

a.would buy, h**eb.would buy, had

c.will buy; hadd.will buy, will h**e

)5. he used to late. but now he is used to __early.

a. sleep; get upb. sleep; getting up

c. sleeping; get upd. sleeping; getting up

)6..if i __you, i __late for school this morning.

a. were, wouldn’t be b. were, wouldn’t c. was, won’t be d. am, will

) is wrong with my vedio. i will get it __

a. repair b. repairing c. to repairing d. repaired

)8.--do you like talking with your friends on the telephone or mobile phone?

i enjoy using qq.

a. either b. neither c. none d. both

)9. —how do you study for an english test?

a. by work with friendsb. by listen to tapes.

c. by asking the teacher with helpd. by ****** vocabulary lists

) 10. everyoneto h**e at least eightsleep at night.

a. needs, hour’s b. need, hours’ c. needed, hour’s d. needs, hours’


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