
发布 2021-12-19 22:30:28 阅读 2378


2014铜仁】—where is mr. zhao?

he __to mount fanjing. he’ll come back __a week.

a. has been; inb. has gone; after

c. has gone; ind. has been; after

答案】a2014河北】i’m busy now. i __to you after school this afternoon.

a. talkb. talked c. will talk d. h**e talked

答案】c2014黄冈】—i suppose you are at least 60 years old.

thank you. i’m glad you __that. my real age is 362.

a. say b. said c. are saying d. were saying

答案】b2014连云港】beijing and zhangjiakou applying to host the 2022 winter olympic

games in 2013.

a. beginb. beganc. h**e begun d. had begun

答案】b2014长沙】—your brother is an excellent basketball player.

so he is. he to play basketball three years ago.

a. has startedb. startsc. started

答案】c2014长沙】little tom computer games when his mother got home.

a. is playingb. playsc. was playing

答案】c2014河北】44. i saw ken in the meeting room, he __joe for the school magazine.

a. interviewsb. interviewed

c. has interviewedd. was interviewing

答案】d2014河北】42. monica, you __the exam! congratulation!

a. pass b. h**e passed c. will passd. are passing

答案】b2014河北】someone __at the door. can you open it?

a. knocks b. knockedc. is knocking d. was knocking

答案】c2014达州】—h**e you ever __an amusement park?

yes, i h**e. i __fun times amusement park last year.

a. been to, h**e gone tob. gone to, h**e been to

c. go to, went tod. been to, went to


2014河南】24. —are you going anywhere?

i __about visiting my sister, but i h**e changed my mind.

a. think b. h**e thought c. will think d. thought

答案】d解析】 考查时态的用法。本题句意为:你要去一些地方吗?

我……看望我姐姐,但我改变了主意。根据答语后半句“i h**e changed my mind”及逻辑推理可知,我原本考虑去看望我姐姐,但后来由改变了主意,所以答语前半句表示的是过去考虑好的事情,故应是一般过去时态。故选d项。

2014河南】33. —does the bus go to the beach?

no. you __the wrong way. you want the number 11.

a. go b. were going c. are going d. would go

答案】c解析】 考查时态的用法。本题句意为:公交车去沙滩吗?


根据句意及答语后句中的“want the number 11”可推知,问路人还没有乘坐公交车,所以此处应用一般将来时态表达。故选c项。

2014陕西】on may 22, a han taxi driver __an old lady to the hospital as soon as he

could in xinjiang.

a. sentb. sends c. is sending d. has sent

答案】a2014黔西南州】i __my hometown for a long time. i really miss it.

a. left b. went away from c. h**e left d. h**e been away from

答案】d2014北京】—what do you often do at weekends?

i often __my grandparents.

a. visit b. visited c. h**e visited d. will visit

答案】a2014北京】—what were you doing when we were playing basketball yesterday afternoon?

i __the classroom.

a. was cleaning b. h**e cleaned c. will clean d. clean

答案】a2014北京】he __in this factory for 20 years already.

a. will work b. works c. has worked d. is working

答案】c2014南京】—lily, why are you still here? school is over for half an hour.

because i __my task yet. i still need one more hour.

a. won’t finish b. didn’t finish c. h**en’t finished d. hadn’t finished

答案】c2014鄂州】— a new shop __for a week nearby. let’s h**e a look there.

good idea. but it doesn’t __on mondays.

a. opened; openedb. has been opened; open [**:学。科。网]

c. has opened; openedd. has been open; open

答案】d2014扬州】—has your friend completed his design?

not yet. he __on it last night.

a. worked b. has worked c. is working d. was working

答案】d2014扬州】—where is mr. wang?

he together with his students __zhuyuwan park.

a. has gone to b. h**e gone to c. has been to d. h**e been to

答案】a2014扬州】—when will a bite of china ii begin tonight?

it __for ten minutes.

a. will begin b. has begun c. will be on d. has been on

答案】d2014湖北咸宁】—do you know diaoyu island?


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