初中英语复习9 动词时态

发布 2021-06-24 12:37:28 阅读 5940





一般现在 itv every night. hetv every night

一般过去 itv last night

一般将来 itv tomorrow evening.

itv tomorrow evening.

现在进行 itv now

过去进行 itv at that moment.

现在完成 itv already

过去完成 itv by eleven last night.


一般现在主语 + don’t/doesn’t +动原。

do/does +主语 +动原。

一般过去主语 + didn’t +动原。

did +主语 + 动原。

一般将来主语 + won’t + 动原。

will +主语 + 动原。

现在进行主语 + am not /isn’t /aren’t +ving

am/ is/ are +主语 +ving

过去进行主语 + wasn’t/ weren’t + ving

was/ were +主语 +ving

现在完成主语 + hasn’t/ h**en’t+过去分词。

h**e/ has +主语 +过去分词。

过去完成主语 + hadn’t +过去分词。

had +主语 +过去分词。



a:频率副词:always ;usually; often; sometimes; once a week,twice a year, etc.

b: in the + 一天三段。

c: every + 时间名词

d: on + 一周七天或一周七天 + 一天三段。

e:on + 一周七天的复数 = every + 一周七天。

用法。1.表示经常性或习惯性的动作 。

i le**e home for school at 7 every morning.

his father always takes a walk after supper


i don't want so much. he works in an office.

his father likes dumplings very much.


the earth moves around the sun. shanghai lies in the east of china.

light tr**els faster than sound. pride goes before a fall.


columbus proved that the earthbe)round.


i'll help you as soon as you h**e problem.

tell xiao li about it if you meet him.

go camping if itbe) fine tomorrow.

until her mothercome) back next week.

it __rain), we won’t go to the park.



they clean their classroom every day.

she helps her mother on weekends.


1. my parents __work) five days a week.

2. li lei __go) to work on foot

3. the sun __rise) in the east

4. a bikenot run) as fast as a car.

5. wenot like) such a kind of men.

6. _le**es___fall) in winter

7. _the sun __go) down in the west?

8. what __you usually __do) on sundays?

9. how often __you __watch) tv



a:now;right now;at this moment etc.

b: 句首提示词:look! listen

c:前句: it’s + 时刻。下句马上叙述一个动作。

用法。1. 表示说话者说话时正发生或者进行的动作;它注重现在正在进行的动作,而不管动作从什么时间开始,到什么时间结束。

what are you doing now?

i am looking for my key.

listen! how wonderfully the girlsing).

look! the childrenplay) happily.

the studentsh**e) an exam at the moment.


the students are preparing for the examination this week .

we___get) ready for the art festive these days.

theystudy) hard this term.

the workerspick) apples on the farm these days.


表示状态的动词,尤其是静态动词,如:be, h**e (有)


know(知道), think(认为), hear(听见), find(发现), see(看见), like(喜欢), want(想要), wish(希望), prefer (更喜欢)等。

i am not h**ing so much money now. w

i don’t h**e so much money now. r

a meeting now

the boycry) hard. helook) for his mother

read) now. hehelp) his parents

4. -what __you___do) these day

-iwrite) an important article.

5.--you __cook) in the kitchen, mum?i am so hungry

--no, iwash) the clothes



a: tomorrow / 一天三段

b: next + 时间名词。

c: in + 一段时间。

d: the day after tomorrow / the week after next / the month…/ the year….

e: at once, later on, soon, in a moment, from now on

f: 凡是说话时没到来的年,月,日,时刻。


动词的分类 1 系动词 2 行为动词 3 情态动词 4 助动词。简单句的基本类型 1 主谓 2 主谓表 3 主谓宾。4 主谓双宾5 主谓宾宾补。一般现在时。一般现在时态结构。肯定式 主语 am is are 其他。否定式 主语 am is are not 其他。一般疑问句式 am is are 主语...


一般过去时态一般过去时态结构肯定式 主语 was were 其他否定式 主语 was were not 其他一般疑问句式 was were 主语 其他?简略回答 肯 yes,主语 was were 否 no,主语 was werenot 肯定句式 主语 动词过去式 其他否定句式 主语 助动词 did...


一 一般现在时。1 表示经常性或习惯性的动作或存在的状态。i often take a bus to school.2.表示客观事实或普遍真理。the earth is round.3.当主句为一般将来时时,在以if,as,soon,as,until,when等引导的时间 条件状语从句中用一般现在时...