赖世雄初级英语文本 英语和汉语

发布 2021-05-30 18:30:28 阅读 4656

lesson 121 the greatest killers alcohol and cigarettes are the two great- est killers in the world. hundreds of thou- sands of people h**e died because of these two social evils. as a result, some govern- ments are trying to control the use of these drugs.

for example, in many countries, the legal age for drinking has been raised from eighteen to twenty-one. some countries h**e even banned smoking in public places. people can help each other live longer by simply discouraging these bad habits.


例如,在许多国家中,喝酒的合法年龄已从18岁提高为 21 岁。有些国家甚至禁止在公共场所抽烟,而人们只要劝别人改掉这些坏习惯,就可以帮助彼此活得久一点。 lesson 122 i quit smoking gary :

hi, susan! do you h**e a light? susan:

no. i quit smoking long ago. gary :

that's good. congratulations! susan:

why don't you quit as well? gary : it's really difficult.

susan: come on; where there's a will, there's away. 我戒烟了加里:

嗨,苏珊!借个火好吗? 苏珊:

不。很久以前我就戒烟了。 加里:

那很好。祝贺你! 苏珊:

你何不也戒掉呢? 加里:那真地很困难。


lesson 123 an accident sally and her husband, jack, h**e both been driving for three years. jack has always driven very carefully. he has never been in an accident.

sally, however, has never been a good driver. she has already gotten into four accidents this year. each time she has had an accident, she has claimed that it was not her fault.

yesterday, sally drove into a tree. she blamed it on the tree, saying that she honked the horn, but the tree didn't get out of the way. 一桩事故萨莉和她丈夫杰克两人开车已有三年了。


每次她发生事故,她总是宣称那不是她的错。昨天萨莉撞到一棵树,她把她的错归罪于那棵树,她说她按了喇叭,但那棵树就是不让路。 lesson 124 beautiful shanghai alan :

h**e you ever been to guilin? galen: no.

but i've been to shanghai. alan : did you h**e a good time?

galen: yes. shanghai is a beautiful city.

美丽的上海市艾伦:你有没有去过桂林? 盖伦:

没有。但我去过上海。 艾伦:

你玩得愉快吗? 盖伦:愉快。

上海是个美丽的城市。 lesson 125 studying seriously john has been trying to learn how to play the guitar. he has been taking lessons for half a year.

however, he hasn't been study ing seriously, he has only been going to his lessons every now and then. moreover, he seldom practices. on the other hand, his cousin, tim, has been playing the guitar for about three months.

he plays much better than john. tim isn't more talented than john, though. he is just more determined.



他弹奏得要比约翰好多了。然而蒂姆并不比约翰有天份,他只是更有决心而已。 lesson 126 playing the piano able :

how long h**e you been playing the pianonancy? nancy: for about ten years.

able : wow! that's a long time.

can you teach mehow to play? nancy: no problem.

弹钢琴亚伯:南希,你弹钢琴弹多久了? 南希:

大约十年了。 亚伯:哇!

那真是很久了。你可以教我弹钢琴吗? 南希:

没问题。 lesson 127 an honest man if you are honest, people will trust you. it is important for a person to h**e a reputa- tion for being honest.

if a person is dishonest, no one will want to be his friend. he will soon become an outcast. on the other hand,an honest man wins the respect of others.

honesty is,indeed, the best policy. 诚实的人你若诚实,人们就会信任你。对一个人来说,拥有诚实的信誉是很重要的。


诚实确实是上策. lesson 128 the job interview carrie: how did the job interview go? jock :

it went very well. thanks. carrie:

what's the name of the company? jock : chunghwa computers.

carrie: i've heard it has a good reputation. jock :

that's why i applied for a job there. 工作面试卡丽:面试进行得如何?

裘克:进行得很顺利’谢谢。 卡丽:

公司的名称是什么? 裘克:中华电子计算机。

卡丽:我听说它的名声很好。 裘克:

那就是我去那里求职的原因。 lesson 129 seven years' bad luck i h**e a very superstitious friend called mack. he thinks that if he breaks a mirror, he will h**e seven years' bad luck.

as a result, mack doesn't h**e any mirrors in his house. but not all superstitions are about bad luck. for instance, mack also believes that if he drops his chopsticks, someone will invite him to dinner.

so, mack is always drop- ping his chopsticks and waiting for an invita- tion. 七年的背运我有个非常迷信的朋友名叫麦克。他认为他若打破镜子,他将会有七年的背运。


因此,麦克总是把筷子掉下去,然后等着别人来邀请。 lesson 130 he will bite you mother: don't pull the dog's tail!

son : why? what will happen if i do?

mother: if you pull his tail, he will bite you. son :

no, he won't. i pulled out all his teeththis morning. 它会咬你母亲:

别扯那条狗的尾巴! 儿子:为什么?

如果我这样做会怎么样? 母亲:如果你扯它的尾巴,它就会咬你。


赖世雄初级英语文本 英语和汉语

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