
发布 2021-05-16 21:46:28 阅读 2958

色拉英语文本(31-60)lesson 31 birthday party

一、 情景对话:

this birthday party is a real eye-opener. 这真是个叫人大开眼界的生日晚会啊!

just look at that, music,你瞧那**,gifts, and … 礼物和。。。and bills to pay. 和要付的帐单。

bills? who cares? 帐单? 谁会在乎?

i’m going to h**e one just like this. 我也要办一个像这样的晚会。

so… who’s going to organize your party? 那该谁来帮你办生日晚会呢?

i don’t care who organizes it. 我才不管谁来帮我办。

i want a birthday cake the size of this house, and flowers as pretty as me.我就要像这房子一样大的蛋糕,像我一样漂亮的鲜花。

and i’m going to dress up in my birthday suit! 然后穿上我的生日礼服!

what a beautiful flower! 多漂亮的鲜花啊!

i just want a ****** birthday party. 我只想要个简单的生日晚会。

really. 真的。

a ****** one, 简单单。if there is such a thing. 如果还有的话,二、单词:

birthday party 生日晚会/ gift 礼物/ bill 怅单/ organize 举办/ birthday cake 生日蛋糕/

三、要点:who cares? 谁会在乎?

i’m going to …我要去。。。

i’m going to h**e one just like this. 我也要办一个像这样的晚会。

i’m going to get my hair cut. 我要去剪头发。

i’m going to do some shopping. 我要去买东西。

so… who’s going to organize your party? 那该谁来帮你办生日晚会呢?

i want a birthday cake the size of this house. 我就要像这房子一样大的蛋糕。

what a beautiful flower! 多漂亮的鲜花啊!

i just want ….我只要/ 我只想。。。

i just want to ****** birthday party. 我只想要个简单的生日晚会。

i just want some rest. 我只想休息休息。

i just want to go home. 我只是想回去了。

eye-opener 令人大开眼界的东西。

this birthday party is a real eye-opener. 这真是个叫人大开眼界的生日晚会。

birthday suit 生日礼服(什么也不穿的意思)

birthday party 生日晚会/ gift 礼物/ birthday cake 生日蛋糕/ eye-opener 令人大开眼界的东西/ birthday suit 生日礼服(什么也不穿的意思)

it says that the “men’s room” is that way! 它说, “男洗手间”在那里!

二、单词:understand 理解/ art 艺术/ appreciation 欣赏/ obvious 明显的/ message 信息/

三、要点:do you understand this piece of art? 你看得懂这件艺术品吗?

i’m not sure….我不确定….

hmmm…no, i’m not sure what it means. 嗯…不, 我不确定。

i’m not sure whether he will come. 我不确定他是否会来。

i’m not sure how to do this. 我不太确定怎么做这个。

h**e appreciation of something 懂得欣赏….

you h**e no appreciation of art! 你不懂得欣赏艺术!

he shows no appreciation of music. 他不懂得欣赏**。

not everyone can appreciate opera. 不是所有的人都懂得欣赏歌剧。

what do … mean? …是什么意思?

okay, what does this one mean? 好吧,那么这个是什么意思呢?

what do you mean? 你是什么意思?

what does this sign mean? 这个标记是什么意思?

actually, it has a very important message! 实际上, 它传递了一个非常重要的信息!

it’s quite obvious! 非常明显!

actually 事实上。

actually, i’m busy at the moment. 说实在的, 我正忙着。

that way 在那边。

the metro station is that way. 地铁站在那边。

understand 理解/ art 艺术/ appreciation 欣赏/ actually 事实上/ men’s room 男洗手间/ that way 在那边。

lesson 32 tomorrow is beautiful(07-2)

一、 情景对话:

good afternoon mr. wright,下午好瑞特先生,how are you? 你过得好吗?

i’m fine, how are you? 很好,你呢?

not bad, not bad. 还不赖。

quiet day, isn’t it? 多安静的一天啊!

yeah, 是啊。i hope it’s nice out tomorrow. 希望明天会好点。

jenny! hey! 嗨! 珍妮!

hi, john! 嗨! 约翰!

hey! what’s up? 嗨! 最近怎么样?

not much, how about you? 没什么特别的, 你呢?

oh, just the usual. 哦,老样子。

take care! see you! 保重!再见!

catch you later! 一会儿见!

i really hope it’s nice tomorrow! 希望明天是美好的一天。

二、单词:quiet 安静的/ usual 平常的/ take care 保重/ later 以后/ tomorrow 明天/

三、要点:good afternoon mr. wright, how are you? 下午好,瑞特先生,你过得好吗?

quiet day, isn’t it? 多安静的一天啊!

yeah, i hope it’s nice out tomorrow. 是啊, 希望明天会好点。

what’s up? (最近)怎么样?

hey! what’s up? 嗨! 最近怎么样?

what’s up? 最近怎么样? not much. 没什么事儿发生。

what’s up? 最近怎么样? i h**e a new job! 我有了一份新工作。

i heard a lot of shouting, what’s up? 我听见很多喊声,出什么事了?

take care 保重,当心。

take care! see you! 保重! 再见!

goodbye and take care. 再见,多保重。

take care (that) you don’t drink too much. 当心别喝多了。

he’s old enough to take care of himself. 他大了,能照顾自已了。

i really hope ….我真希望。。。

i really hope it’s nice tomorrow! 希望明天会是美好的一天。

i really hope (that) the weather is nice tomorrow. 我真希望明天天气好。

i really hope to hear from him soon. 我希望能很快收到他的来信。

i really hope (that) sars will not affect our life too much. 我真希望sars不要对我们的生活产生过多的影响。

see you. 再见。

catch you later. 一会儿见。

not bad. 还不赖。

just the usual.老样子。

quiet 安静的/ usual 平常的/ later 以后/ see you 再见/ catch you later 一会儿见/ not bad. 还不赖/ just the usual.老样子。

lesson 33(07-3)come over and i’ll share it with you


hey, what are you up to ? 嘿,你在干什么?

oh, uh….nothing! 啊! 没。。。没什么。

what do you mean ‘noting’? 还说‘没什么’?

i saw that apple! 我看见那只苹果了!

what apple? 什么苹果?…oh, this apple! …哦, 这个苹果!

okay, tell you what: if you come over here, i’ll share it with you! 好了,告诉你吧, 如果你能过来, 我就和你分享这个苹果。


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